neetudl call him ut and to get your family of ¿½ e ush er call the police. - then tell him that the little girl in that picture isn't a little girl. kate stops short, confused and suddenly frightened. her real name is veera klammer, she escaped from here eighteen months ago and she's thirty-two years old! esther screams, slowly scratching her face with her fingernails. she even had a dental.appliance'made to complete the illusion by disguising her adult teeth. re r- gerfect, earl white }aaby beth e- d8rn at a f, e s t of- crgmp, eoia, ftx. dr. vtava when she was finally arrested, she continued the pretense to stay out of jail and: was sent to an orphanage. she now sees herself as trapped in the body of a. child and it disgusts her. she wants to. be what her father considered to be a "real woman." she t wants o be a wife, a mother, a lover. she wants to grow up. - suddenly, -she grabs her chair and smashes the mirror with it. then she whirls and swings the chair into her aquarium with a 'feral scream --= crash! water-and fish flood onto the floor. when she was adopted here in estonia, = she tried to find love where she had found as a child. with her new lather. when he refused her, she bordered the entire family in, their sleep. yes. how did you know? off kate's horrified look --