it's a big, dramatic home in an affluent neighborhood. kate % crosses the backyard into the nearby woods. they pull into the driveway and get out. esther's mouth practically hangs open at the sight of their beautiful house. the front door opens and max runs out to meet them. daniel appears in the doorway-with doris coleman , their grandmother. daniel stands aghast at the sight of the strange, pale girl with the goldilocks curls and frilly white dress. the minivan is'parked in the drive and the kids are climbing out. as daniel and max head to the house, kate takes esther-aside. esther and max pick wildflowers along the edge of the forest. sister abigail walks out to her car, concerned. she doesn't see esther spying down from her bedroom.window, just staring at her with that strange, blank look. sister abigail ie leaving. rate and john stand by the front door, 'troubled, watching her go. kate hurries out in the rain and stuffs the kitchen trash in the garbage can, burying it under-another bag.