kate pushes the door open and esther enters. we recognize the room by the arched windows -- this used to be the-nursery.- it's been completely made over as a little girl's room, complete with a lacy white canopy bed covered with a mountain of stuffed animals. esther turns to kate and john with a toothpaste-commercial smile. kate and esther are decorating. esther pins up some of her paintings. kate spreads out a selection of wallpaper borders. kate and esther sit on the floor. esther. removes the rubber band from around her bible and takes out a few battered photographs. they're all of esther with a rural family -- the man.kate saw in the photo at church, his wife,. and three boys, aged 6, 10, and 14. in one, they're all posed together in front of a farmhouse. esther leads kate, john, and sister abigail into her room. white s gloves, like she's esther pulls on -a pair of . dinty hurch services dressing for morninga kate rifles. through esther 'a things. she finds the life book that e fli it.the p i till blank exce forstherfaamily photos that fate put ingforahers then she notices that the first page has been torn out. and on the page. captioned '"estber joins the family," p.sther's face has been et cu oval cut out df "h farm of r creepy. kate ransacks the room,. searching for something,, anything. then she notices a.stuffed doll that she just knocked over. its dress has been flipped up, revealing ,g slit, cut in he doll's pack. grabs it. something has been hidden in the stuffing. tt's a '¿½ bible. kate pulls it out and quickly looks through the pictures that-esther keeps inside. they're the same photos of the wallaces that we saw earlier. with one new addition. it's the missing page from esther'.s life book, the picture of kate and john at their wedding. but the face that esther cut out, from the other picture has been glued over kate 'a.face here, p 3t loo like jtobm ddd $ her are eg¿½s markied. the caption is still "mommy & daddy get married." kate shudders.