no, stop! i want to be asleep! that's this for? don't you look pretty! we wills sister abigail happily watches them go. rate and esther smile and wave goodbye.' she'waves back. but once the car pulls out, her smile fades. she seems'vaguely troubled as they drive away. perfect l you like fish? go take a time-out and think about it. see? if you studied more, you wouldn't have to ask all-the time. daniel glares fit esther, but she doesn't see it. john enters, ready for work. he-grabs his travel mug, gives kate a kiss. what i did that day, how i feel. anything i don't want to forget. i thought you and i could spend some time together today and start a life book. it's like an adoption storybook. and it's all about you. i did a couple pages to gat you started. look. - what's wrong?. we don't have any pictures of jessica because she died while she was still in my tunny. but we spread her ashes in here and as long as. this flower grows, part of her will be alive inside it. mrs. grosse told me what happened today. do you want to talk. about it? daniel-hangs back to see if esther is going, to tell on him. she "sees him standing there, then turns to rate with a smile. - she broke her arm and had to have something like eleven stitches, i think. she was lucky. where's max? then what was it doing 'in-your backpack?- that's because she's always on her best behavior with you. which is what? - she's canceling some appointments-so we - can get her in-tomorrow. they hear esther humming upstairs and exchange a disgiuieted look. have just told her what she wanted; to hear. look. "character-disturbed children are adroit manipulators. they can be exceptionally charismatic, oftentimes playing people off one another to get what they want." what happened this morning had nothing to do with this! i'mi pot weak. your own mother was there this time. only esther or daniel could have started that fire. i know who i think did it. do you? . oh, my. god. daniell she and john run after dr. rajan. doris quickly grabs max to keep her from following. int. hospital -. lcd - night kate and john follow dr. the room where a code team races to resuscitate daniel. where is she? did you get the picture i:sent? did you recognize her? what scars? well, where the hell are they? jesus christ, i'll be there before they will