john staggers to the stairs, the handle of the scissors jutting from his eye socket. but just as he hits. the first step, baer rushes out and pushes tine cmm the etz{rs. max carefully peers out from.around a corner. suddenly -- no sound. this is how max experiences the world. a silent vacuum. her perspective is shot mos. the hallway is empty and max cautiously maces her way toward the stairs. suddenly, esther emerges from max's room. max quickly ducks into daniel's room. esther doesn't see her: esther edges toward daniel's room, gun raised. there's a strange grinding sound coming from inside. kate cautiously moves down the hall suddenly, he lights go plunging - tlw o se into darkness. esther sneaks upstairs, hugging the wall, gun held ready. she pauses at the top of the stairs, waiting. lightning flashes. 'the- hallway is empty. she sidles along the wall.