no one said anything of a daughter. that's a sharp tongue you have. a beat) i wonder what it might say about me behind my back? well said. he king of england defeated by a humble fawn. no! get her away from me! from wolsey's office? i wanted to find somewhere we could be alone so i might say a few words to you in person. go! leave us! go! there's no need for show. i am only ever here alone. married my brother's widow because my father ordered it. as a duty. to keep the alliance with spain. and she is a remarkable woman. and wife. tell me. are they as different in temper as they are in looks? headstrong. with a fiery temper. what? for appearance sakes only. in every other regard, our marriage is a sham. ut what alternative is there? throws hands up in exasperation) my love for the queen may have died, but even you must concede, she is still very much alive. a oh, anne. well, if we can have a healthy daughter, we can have a healthy son. leave us. i am bound by the law. what?