sir thomas. kisses hand) lady elizabeth. your uncle tells me i should have you at court. should i? had we known, we might have come sooner. a pleasure. charming. lovely. what's that? i can see that. but what's it doing there? more to the point. . not just there, but in every corner in the house? really? and what would they be? well played! and, may i say. . an excellent choice of music too! sir thomas, lady elizabeth, dear anne. your health. i had it from the lips of the spanish ambassador himself. that our musicians are the envy of all europe. our universities and philosophers, too. what of our painters, then? what? is no one proud to be english? anne? what say you? it's true. never! she's right, by god! she's right! good morning, anne. ho will you be riding with? your own? ut with no man to hold onto? how will you stay on the horse? we'll see. let's away! hah! hah! then we must follow. and who are you? you've been here all week-end? really? how could i have overlooked you? nonsense. then why haven't i seen you at court? a charmed life in the country? away from it all? everything i would have wished for myself. but then my brother died. a beat) and duty called. you don't think he'll miss court? a beat) a young, ambitious man? well said. thank you again, lady elizabeth. we'll take good care of your boy. and thomas. you'll take care of that matter? please, don't be alarmed. i hope your accommodation is comfortable. i realise it's no substitute for the life you had in mind in the country. but please, give me the opportunity to try to make you happy here. what are you? i am sorry. you obviously misunderstand me. he faints! quick! take her to my rooms! call my physicians! `henry', please. the first rule of this room, is to leave `your grace's' and `your majesty's' outside. is there anything i can bring you? nothing to increase your comfort or well- being? there. there are no servants. and reads. and writes. and finds a few moments each day. . for himself. because i trust you. a man in my position develops an instinct. a beat) you would never lie, could never lie to me. i also sense. that you might relish an opportunity to be yourself, too. well, here you only say what you like, do what you like. what? there are many things i cannot admit to in public. sadness, for example. and loneliness. do you not know what it is to be lonely in a marriage? but i never looked at her or longed for her the way i do you. imagine how different it might have been. for both of us. had we been able to chose for ourselves. the biggest warship in the fleet. thirty- two guns and two hundred feet long, and with your permission thomas. . i'd like to name her after your daughter. the "mary boleyn". onsense. she's an angel. it's the least she deserves. and if there's anything else i can do for you, my friend. as an expression of my gratitude. let me know. name it. you want me to make him a match? do you have anyone in mind? go on. verreach themselves? one is currently in the king's bed. if they are good enough for me, i suggest they're good enough for anyone else. so. who is it? ou poor girl. all alone in here. but the time will fly by. i know. but the most important thing is a healthy child. what's the noise? i can hardly hear myself think! i'm only aware of one boleyn girl and she is lying-in with a certain child in her belly! what? that awful girl, thomas? the one that almost killed me? you allowed her back? really? well, come on. where are you, other boleyn girl? show your face. so? what is so amusing, anne? perhaps we might hear and judge for ourselves? which are? hah! eally? and who is this rival? what? you're a fortunate man, george. to be blessed with g two such sisters. i'm familiar with mary's. tell me about anne's. careful, you'll make me think i chose the wrong boleyn girl. is that so? storm, you say? she did what? sent it back? what? again? your daughter. where is she? anne! anne. a you received my gifts? and? they did not please you? then why did you return them? i have shown mary enough kindness and generosity. it's you i want, anne. you. don't you see? you have changed. not true. you see! the same pain as mine! it proves you feel the same way! let me decide that. for now, you have given me hope. anne. anne, i love you. i love you anne. i cannot stop thinking about you. i cannot eat, i cannot sleep. i vow from this moment forth i will never lie with my wife, or speak to your sister again. i will do anything you ask. what? well, i have done what you asked. will you give yourself to me, now? my one true mistress. to whom i am loyal above all others? my wife? i barely see her. well, what would you have me do? wolsey has agreed to draw up plans for the queen to be sent to a nunnery. she will protest, of course. she won't go quietly, but she knows she has failed to give me a son, and deserves her exile. henry kisses anne) which leaves you all alone at court. queen in all but name. mother to any future heir. so, is this assurance enough? will you give yourself to me now? what insult? annul it? but she never consummated the marriage with my brother. arthur was a sick man. wolsey has agreed to charge the queen? because she will contest it. which means putting her on trial. and hearing these delicate matters in public. the queen has insisted a papal representative be present at the trial. but wolsey has assured me the trial will proceed for appearance sake only. we have our verdict. one or two friends have refused to lend their support. among them, thomas more. and then there's the small matter of my conscience. do i? ah! mary! come in. closer. into the light. the other boleyn girl. i'd forgotten how beautiful you were. you are. who's this? is it, now? a fine name. and how old are you? i think so. would you like to see it? now, `on guard'. now you will give yourself to me. silence! enough of your games! i have torn apart this country for you, gone against every principle in my heart, i've endured the doubts and counsel of good men and silenced them with the axe. just to be with you. now prove to me it was worth the sacrifice. i do. is the child healthy? ecause it's not true! mary? all of you! oh, mary. she has been tried and found guilty. anne? to a nunnery? the french queen was a blameless woman. your sister a witch. how could i have made that mistake? o. i will reflect on the matter. 101: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ` ( (