hardly. no, george. never. i'll be married, that's all. apart from that - it won't change a thing. very. no. i want a husband who loves me. and who thinks it first thing every morning. and last thing at night. o - the king himself is coming to hever. i'm so happy for george. what? what are you saying? but. you could never be more than his mistress. and that's no substitute for a husband. but what about your happiness? your future? a little. i promise. hold me a moment? of course, sister. how could he not? mary, your grace. anne's younger sister. yes, your grace. next to anne, it's easy to do. yes, your grace. to william carey. yes, your grace. because i have persuaded him to spend a year or two here first. we have a small manor and some land. nothing much. but enough to start a family. yes. he says not, your majesty. but, if he ever changed his mind, i would always support him. ut i don't want to go to court. nor does my husband. what? but what about our future? here in the country? william, please! don't you understand what this means? they will separate us. put me in different accommodation. where the king can always. find me. what about anne? couldn't she go instead? how could he do this to me? my own father. a beat) what if we just refused? but would that be so bad? position means nothing to me. nor wealth. we could find somewhere. a small farm. away from everything. ut can't you see? do this, and we might not have a future. i'm so sorry. n-no. i'm afraid not. your majesty. no. really. i beg you, your majesty. mary carey. yes. i can't imagine. should i mention you to him? of course. happily. well, she likes you, and asked me to give you this. to remember her by. and our sister? any word? yes, i know. but you know i would never do anything like that. your opinion, uncle. mine is that it's the greatest insult of all. asking a whore to have feelings, too. george? it's the middle of the night. hat? what? oh, no! why would i be pleased? but they'll never allow it, don't you see? he's already precontracted to mary talbot, and if word of the consummation gets out her reputation will be ruined. i have to tell father. before it's too late. what? because you would never have got away with it. and it would have ruined your prospects forever. believe me. i did it for your good. anne, wait! what reason have i to be happy? do i know you? wait! who are you? my name is kindness. what is it you desire? you demand a great deal. it is easy for a man to declare love from behind a mask. if your feelings were sincere, i would never reject you. o matter how you looked. or who you were. your majesty! thank you, your grace. no. you might ask your servants to bring me some water. so, this is it? this is where the king of england sleeps? i am. i suppose it's more. simple than i imagined. and yet you invite me here? you hardly know me. no. yes. very well. i'd like an apple, please. . henry. now it's your turn. to say something, or do something you couldn't outside. but when you are loved as much as you are? how can you be lonely? yes. i do now. my father? a beat) well, we'd better not keep him waiting. yes. yes. more than once. i believe so, uncle. illiam, you're drunk. he pleases me. is that what you want to hear? say `no', husband. that was all you had to do. yes. what? but i'm only three months. will it? it's six months? why? but the king visits me every day. there's no need for her. or anyone else. but in who's interests do they imagine anne will act? certainly not mine. or her, you mean. 'm wary of any suggestion that anne would serve anyone but herself. france can't have changed her that much. really? henry? how can you show your face in here? oh, spare me. you did this deliberately. as revenge. and now you have what you wanted you probably think justice has been done. be careful, that's my advice. learn from my experience. because he'll only do to you what he has done to me. you'll never get henry percy back, if that's what you mean. if that's what you think, fine. tell yourself that. henry. he is to be henry carey. thank you. please be sure to thank them - though one wonders what's kept them so busy that not a single one of them found time to visit the new baby. what? until what? high stakes indeed. and my brother george? he is. it's fine. leave me. please? ou asked to see me, your grace? nothing. you owe me nothing, sister. i did it that we may finally draw a line beneath everything that has happened between us. thank you. but i'd rather go back to our home in the country. ho's that? so, it's true. it's really happening? the crowds are with her. what? tender. a beat) surprisingly so. a beat) why? all that will die down as soon as they get to know you. they won't. they will see how much the king loves you, and follow. ister, i wonder if you've given any thought. to the matter of my returning to the country. with the children. hat? stafford? wait. it was you, wasn't it? at the masked ball? oh, stafford. but it's impossible. you know that. now anne's queen, my family would never allow it. what? what? certainly not. in love! well done. it's a girl! a beautiful, healthy girl. lady somerset, i believe. oh, anne. that's no bad thing. anyone with any sense would have run away from this hell-hole already. as far as they could go. what? tatton. oh, anne. why? there's still time. you could sleep with the king, and fall pregnant again. no one would know. i. i don't understand. you mean lying with another man? esides, where would you find someone you could trust? stop it, anne! it's madness. i can't listen to this. . this is monstrous. no, anne! i understand you have had a shock tonight. a terrible shock. but there is no need for this. come, george. no. come, george. i pray for you both. come on, darling wake up. away from here. far, far away. someone. a friend. william? i'm sorry. a beat) i just didn't know where else to go. i do. what is it? hat? it's anne. tell me. she miscarried the child? i must go. i can petition the king. i have no choice. anne and george are my family. i cannot desert them. henry and catherine have you. anne and george have no one. i'm sorry. ho was it? your majesty. i understand my family has offended you. but having taken my brother today, i beg you to spare my sister. i realise you must replace anne as queen. but must she die, too? you could send her away. you could send her to a nunnery. no one would know. there is precedent, my lord. louis of france did it, too. when his wife could not conceive. i understand anne has offended you. i ask only that if there is any regret you might. feel yourself. for your part in the matter. does not unduly colour your thinking. killing anne will not make it go away. it would only make it worse. oh, anne. ssshhhhh. it's all right. you will be spared. the king as good as gave me his word. yes. that's not true. it will be all right. trust me. e will spare you. i am sure of it. come on. no!