i think i have managed to persuade the king to come and stay with you on progress. a week-end's hunting in late summer. these are difficult times. i have it on good authority that the queen no longer bleeds - yet the matter of a male heir is still not resolved. a beat) it cannot be long before the king is forced to look outside the marriage. a legitimized bastard. what choice does he have? obviously, i've given it thought, and wondered which howard girl i could put under his nose. imagine the influence that would give us. to be blood family of the next king of england. equally, imagine if another family were to achieve the same? but she's your eldest, thomas. your first born. and your favourite. wouldn't you prefer her to have a nice, uncomplicated, respectable marriage? like mary? mary, i don't know what you said or did - but you obviously made a deep impression on the king. exchanges a look with sir ou're to pack and leave first thing in the morning. the king himself has secured you a position in the queen's household. put it out of your mind. from now on your home is at court. happily your husband understands the value of such an opportunity. for us all. what? if all the king wanted was coition, he could fetch in a woman from the bath house. a beat) what he wants is you. a beat) to woo you. and be wooed in return. and could'nt you look just a little happier? there isn't a girl in the kingdom that wouldn't wish to be in your shoes. who knows about this? then that is how it shall remain. forever. what? silence! my god, if you were my daughter i'd thrash you within an inch of your life. you will join the court of the french queen. and stay there until your father has forgiven you. well? did he have you? more than once? you'd better get used to talking about it. once you sleep with the king, it's not a private matter any more. so he was satisfied? ood. this is where our work begins. it's one thing to catch the king. quite another to keep him. i want you to keep her spotless, hair washed every day. she must read all the latest books and be able to venture and defend an interesting opinion. she must know her music, must be energetic and entertaining - in company and in bed. that's how he likes his women. and if ever she's in any doubt as to how to conduct herself, or what to do next - she should simply watch the queen. that woman kept him from straying for eleven years. and the effort almost killed her. for the moment he's still visiting mary. but for how long? the queen will soon have his head spinning with pretty little spanish things. not to mention the seymours with that girl of theirs. what we need is someone from our family who will keep the king focused on mary, reminding him of her while she is absent. what? speak. you couldn't control that girl last time. what makes you think it would be any different now? damn you! three years we've been working on this! not a single detail was left to chance! and now, in the moment of our greatest glory. all i can say is you'd better have a plan. and it had better work. and even sadder when that same queen is charged with adultery and incest. master cromwell, read out the indictment. how do you plead? guilty. in which case, the burden falls on me to pass sentence.