i received a formal request for marriage today for anne. from the carey family. i turned it down. and offered them mary instead. fnne's too good for william carey. she can do (better than a merchant's son. not true. i think she's. the kinder of the two. quite possibly the fairer. but to get ahead in this world, you need more than fair looks and a kind heart. bravo! anne! thomas. but that's wonderful! thank you, thank you so much. did you hear that, elizabeth? finally we can present george, and with luck, get him a position at court. what? and make a bastard king of england? what about anne? i realise as a `boleyn' she is not officially a `howard', but as your sister's daughter. if anne were an uncomplicated, respectable girl like mary, then i'd say `yes'. but she's not. she's anything but. and what if you were to look on the bright side? just once? risk nothing, you gain nothing. easy for you to say. you've had power and wealth all your life. yes. come in. your majesty, you are most welcome. may i present my son, george. and our daughter, anne. perhaps you'll allow anne to show you around our modest house? bravo, anne! the king was quite smitten! told me so himself. and has requested you sit beside him at dinner. my girl. my dear, remarkable girl. i knew you would up to the task. you did well tonight. very well. quite enough to be invited to court, i am sure of it. now go to bed. get a good night's sleep. because there's still the hunt tomorrow. a beat) you must excel at that. my daughter anne is here. would like to apologise. consider it done, your majesty. ell her. y'hear that? gentleman of the privy council! attending to the private and personal needs of his majesty himself! that's the inner sanctum! the way that girl behaved this week-end, she can count herself lucky she still has a home. what were you thinking? the marriage of a senior noble is a matter of state. something only the king can decide. there have been improper intimacies, too? the boy will return to northumberland - where he will marry the talbot girl. as arranged. majesty! i'm. i'm speechless. s it happens. there is one thing. ur son, george. he's of an age now. yes, your majesty. there is one lady, sir. who i fear is too high-born for us. and following the unfortunate matter between anne and henry percy, i didn't want my children to overreach themselves again. she's well connected, her father is cousin to the king. and there's money, too. thought you had ambitions for this family. g and that you wish to make a contribution yourself. not just stand back and watch your sisters. then my advice would be to start behaving like a man. a real man. do i make myself clear? for god's sake, it's the wedding of our youngest child attended by the king of england and the greatest lords in the land. would a smile be too much to ask? for the moment she's happy. only god knows how anything will end. are you certain? n that case. i suppose. someone should tell the king. keep them shut. still shut. now open! there's more. thanks to you, i am to become an earl. your brother a viscount. because he committed treason. pay her no heed. it's just. i was going to suggest anne. i've had favourable reports from the dowager queen in france. it seems she is quite changed. it's my elder daughter, anne, your majesty. she has returned to court. the time abroad has done her good, your majesty. i'm certain you'd find her much improved. you should have seen the seymours! their faces! they must have thought that with you out of the way, they had a real opportunity with that pale-faced thing of theirs, jane. what? n this occasion i am quite satisfied she was being loyal to you. does the king know? any moment, your grace. it's a boy, your majesty. a strong, healthy boy. `mary talbot'. mary talbot!! the girl that married henry percy. it seems she has petitioned the king, demanding a divorce from her husband . that his prior betrothal to you was actually. . consummated. i knew this would come back to haunt us! no! he doesn't want to see you! or hear a word from your lips! he's far too angry. a beat) it seems the only boleyn he will speak to, the only person who's testimony he will trust in this matter. . is mary. mary. we're so sorry. clears throat) about your husband. the papal legate. sent by the pope to preside over the queen's trial. but they are continuing with the trial. and the bishops will still find in the king's favour. nor his good sense. breaking with rome would isolate england politically. leave us at the mercy of the protestants. she has named her elizabeth. after your mother. perfectly, sir. and?