ref don't call it pretty soon, snoopy's gonna send this guy out in a body bag. i don't believe it. guy's braggin' he won a thrown fight. fuckin' pathetic. the wall street guy? oh, yeah. i didn't recognize him without his rug. what's he doin' here? how do you know he wrote a check? cool. where's the guy live? here it comes. i guess the snoop doesn't like to lose, even if it's on purpose. here, lemme help you with those, ma'am. that's okay, ma'am. i'll just take your car. what's she doing? uh-oh. uh-oh. it's okay, honey, we're good guys. why don't we talk about it later? you still alive in there? that's the turnpike up there. glenn's waiting with the other car. we may as well leave her, we're leaving the car and we gotta leave her some place anyway, what's the difference where? jesus christ, what were you doing in there? i already looked. her name is karen sisco. like the cisco kid only spelled different, s-i-s-c-o. the green-and-whites saw us. one of 'em starts thinking, what's that car doing there? ties it to the break and turns around. i brought 'em, they're back at glades in the cadillac. you wanted to take her car. what's wrong with you? how 'bout the score was his idea to begin with? you're pulling at it. here. he ain't the problem, jack. you wanna pull your head outta your ass and tell me why we're bringing her with us? you want to take her to my place and get cleaned up? you come out of the bathroom with your after-shave on and she goes, "oh, i had you all wrong"? you're too late, jack. he wants to get out of here and i don't blame him. cause she had her hand on her gun the whole time, waiting to make her move. you're right. there's some lilac oil, you want some, a vanilla candle under the sink. there's something about a nice hot bath, transforms a person. it's not just about opening up your pores, know what i mean? there's just something about the heat and the wet that's calming you know? settles me in a way that i really can't articulate. there's a store around the corner, i'll be right back. uh, no, ma'am. sorry. you made the front page. they pass this picture around you can go anywhere you want, nobody'll know you. maybe this'll make you feel better. paper says there's ten grand each on you, chino and lulu. just that she got away. you'll have to ask glenn. and most likely, he's on his way to detroit, where we should be. you realize what you're doing? worrying about a person that works in law enforcement. you want to sit down and have cocktails with a girl that tried to shoot you. you hear what i'm saying? am i going to detroit by myself? longer we hang around down here, jack, better chance there is either glenn's gonna fuck up the whole score, or we gonna get busted, or both. who you talking to? you better come see this. he's running for his life, he doesn't give a shit about you. he knows where she lives? jack? so call her up. tell her don't talk to any cubans. and you know they're gonna have some people watching the hotel. nice disguise. you at least bring the gun? there. you see the guy sitting on the porch? the old ladies and one guy? you know they'll have a couple more in a car somewhere. oh, my. okay, you saw her. that's all you get. sure looks that way. now you're talkin'. i been thinkin', if i was glenn, i was up there to take down the ripper, where would i go? remember snoopy miller, his old pal from lompoc? he isn't fighting no more. glenn told me the snoop's been managing some guys up there now, works out at the kronk. is this your floor, mother? let's just hope there's no one in the garage. they know where i live, i guess they know what i drive, so maybe we should pick up another car on the way. hey, jack. you see this one. "fight over tuna casserole may have spurred slaying." seems this woman's live-in boyfriend, seventy years old, complained about her tuna noodle casserole and she shot him in the face with a twelve-gauge. police found noodles in the woman's hair and think the guy dumped the casserole dish on her before she shot him. they'd been together ten years. hey-- whatta you think? or two. what's he do now, tell fortunes? what? you mean snoop? but you call this bozo white boy? what's he do now outside of shoot his mouth off? you have the paper? outside of that. she came up here on her vacation, 'cause she likes shitty weather. they don't stay the night, jack, 'less you pay for it. just hung up. two hours. forty-five minutes. forget about my sister. if karen sisco's tailing glenn, we're fucked. tomorrow night at the fights we all get picked up. now that's a really big house. no doubt the man's got some big-ass security system. yeah? you think he'll let us in, we got snoopy and the muscle-bound asshole with us? let glenn deal with the snoop, while we're off livin' the good life. what about that d.b. cooper guy? i mean, they don't know for sure he's dead. look, there's always a chance we'll walk out've there with nothing. i say let fate decide. my sister believes in fate, but not hell. that's why she stopped praying for the lost souls since you don't hear that much about purgatory anymore. but every day she asks her boss to pray i don't fuck up. whatta you think, you think there's a hell, jack? you might not have a choice. they put a gun on you, you'll go back. yeah, and i better call my sister. it took you, what, seven hours to buy a pair of shoes? and she saw you? so how's that work, a wanted felon socializing with a u.s. marshal? did you give her a jump? if you did i might begin to understand where your head's at. you find out? so what's that mean? that you're disappointed by what you found or you're sorry you robbed all those banks? whatta you wanna do? you know they gonna set us up. but you still think you can get the diamonds fore they do? half for doing what? and who watches your back? slow down. get ready to grab the wheel when i shoot this asshole. you think he was talking about walking into people's houses when he said it? i'm not leaving you alone with these assholes. i don't ski. checkin' the other rooms, like you said. they found the safe. yeah, hi. nice house. damn-- they look like plain old rocks. c'mon. okay. come on. what? from the looks of those boys, the ripper too. at least. all you gotta do is get in. i'll go with you. jack -- hey. the airport.