adele? you in there? i talk to the guy you work for, emil. he tole me your number and where you live. see, i'm looking for an assistant and would like to speak to you. you did work for emil, right? you were his what, his box? yes, around here. i was a mayishan in cuba before i come here. manuel the mayishan was my name. can you open the door? listen to me. i'm a good friend of jack foley. jose chirino. or maybe you hear jack foley call me chino. i'm the same person. tell me where is jack foley, i don't bother you no more. listen, i'm the one help jack escape from prison. he tole me, i can't find him to see you. so why don't you open this fucking door. okay? so we can speak. why you want to do that, to a frien'? okay, you don't want to help me, i'm leaving. i'm going now. i see you maybe some time, okay? bye bye.