loretta, you see that guy talking to your manager, has his case open? but you see the guy with the attache case? that's my partner. he has a gun in there. and if you don't do exactly what i tell you, or you give me any kind of a problem, i'll look over at my partner and he'll shoot your mr. guindon between the eyes. now take one of those big envelopes and put as many hundreds, fifties and twenties as you can pack into it. nothing with bank straps or rubber bands. i don't want any dye packs. i don't want any bait money. start with the second drawer and then the one over there, under the computer. come on, loretta, the key's right there next to you. no bills off the bottom of the drawer. first time being robbed? you're doing great. just smile, loretta, so you won't look like you're being held up. that's the way, you're doing fine. here, give me the twenties. i'll put 'em in my pocket. okay, i haven't had to give my partner a sign; that's good. now, he's gonna wait thirty seconds till after i'm out the door, make sure you haven't set off the alarm. if you have, he's gonna shoot mr. guindon between the eyes. okay? i think that'll do it. thank you, loretta, and have a nice day. she's cute, isn't she? come on. fuck! wanna hear a funny story? some people are going out of here. what if i told you where and when? i expect you to look out for me, pup, let me run off work details. i hear six. looks like tonight. i do, but i won't tell you just yet. meet me in the chapel at eight-thirty, right before lock-down. today's the day, huh? you excited? yeah, but i see you moved it up. you were out running this morning, sticking to your routine, anybody happened to notice. but you only did a couple of miles instead of your usual five. saving yourself for the main event. then i see you inside eating ten pounds of macaroni. carbohydrates for endurance. you told me i can come 'cause i caught you digging the fuckin' tunnel, saw you and lulu coming out of the bushes, thought maybe you two were making out. so what, you finish ahead of schedule? i appreciate the offer. and it's tempting. but, man, it's a long run to civilization. a hundred miles to miami? i'm too old to start acting crazy, try a stunt like that. you make it out, send me a postcard. that's funny, adele. how many more times you gonna gimme that one? you know that super bowl party? they changed the date. it's on tonight, eight-thirty. i said not as a rule. listen to miss smarty mouth. out there in the free world. what happened to mandrake the magician? listen, adele, the reason i called, that party is today instead of sunday. about eight-thirty, like only a few hours from now. so you'll have to get hold of buddy, whatever he might be doing. what're you talking about? glenn michaels. he did, huh. well, tell buddy i see glenn wearing his sunglasses i'll step on 'em. i might not even take 'em off first. anyone ever tell you why they call him snoopy? he was maurice "mad dog" miller back when he was pro. now you pet him, he goes down. it's richard ripley. dick the ripper they called him, on account of all the people he ripped off. who you talkin' to, studs? me, or buddy. i can't tell, you got those shades on. i guess the bright glare out here made it hard to see the numbers on the weights. yeah, to the u.s. attorney. i hear he rolled over on all the snitches he was doing business with and got 'em all brought up. ever seen an uncut diamond, studs? they look like plain old rocks. my point is, that's probably what you're gonna end up with. use your head. the guys got five million lying around his house, you really think he's gonna tell some motormouth he just met in prison about it? you don't wanna be standing there, the hacks start asking questions you don't wanna answer. they're right underneath you, pup. they dug a tunnel. second fence post from the tower out there. go on, take a look. you will directly. keep watching. i bet that's all the hacks they send out. otherwise nobody's left to mind the store. why you're just a girl. what do you do for a living you pack a shotgun? i bet i smell, don't i? listen, you hop in the trunk and we'll get out of here. you comfy? there isn't any. all this shit you got in here. what is all this stuff anyway? handcuffs, chains. what's this can? you devil, it's mace, huh? what've you got here, a billy? use it on poor unfortunate offenders. where's your gun, your pistol? they're off in the cane by now chasing cubans. i timed it to slip between the cracks, you might say. boy, it stunk in there. yeah, went real nice with that twelve gauge, too. tell me, why in the world would someone like you ever become a federal marshall? guys like me, huh. well, listen, even though i've been celibate lately, i'm not gonna force myself on you. i've never done that in my life. if they get set up in time, which i doubt. and even if they do they'll be looking for a buncha little latin fellas, not a big black guy driving a ford. who, buddy? yeah. he's a good guy. back when we jailed together, he'd call his sister every week without fail. she's a born-again christian, does bookkeeping for a televangelist. buddy calls her up, confesses his sins, tells her about whatever bank he happened to rob. one i gave him, yeah. fuck. jack foley. you've probably heard of me. time i was convicted in california? fbi told me i'd robbed more banks than anyone in the computer. tell you the truth, i don't know. i started when i was eighteen, driving for my uncle cully and his partner, gus. they go into a bank this one time in slidell, gus jumps the counter to get the tellers and breaks his leg. all three of us ended up in angola. i thought so, too. i believe you would have. another fall, i did seven years at lompoc. and i don't mean the place next door where some of nixon's people went. basically. yeah. if i go back now, i do a full thirty years, no time off. can you imagine looking at that? you don't seem all that scared. you don't act like it. jesus, you sound like my ex-wife. it was just a year, give or take a few days. i mean, it's not like we didn't get along or anything. we had fun, we just didn't have that. that thing, you know? that spark, you know what i mean? you gotta have that. we still talk, though. yeah, well, if it turns out i get shot like a dog, it'll be in the street, not off a goddamn fence. oh, you mean of bonnie and clyde? hm. you ever see pictures of him, the way he wore his hat? you could tell he had that don't-give-a-shit air about him. is that right? you're full of interesting facts, aren't you? that part in the movie where they get shot? warren beatty and. i can't think of her name. yeah, i liked her in that movie about and the guy saying he wasn't gonna take any more shit from anybody. yeah, right. anyway, that scene where warren beatty and faye dunaway get shot? i remember thinking at the time it wouldn't be a bad way to go, if you have to. it wasn't pretty after, no, but if you were in that car -- eating a sandwich -- you wouldn't have known what hit you. you're sure easy to talk to. i wonder -- say we met under different circumstances and got to talking, say you were in a bar and i came up to you -- i wonder what would happen. i mean if you didn't know who i was. i'm just saying i think if we met under different circumstances. another one faye dunaway was in i liked, three days of the condor. yeah. really. uh-huh. well, but if -- where in the hell are we? okay, honey, come on out of there. shit. she's coming with us. get the shotgun. and her purse. i'd like to know who she is. karen? be a good girl now, you hear? now, i'm gonna open the-- you're putting holes in your car! we're not leaving you. i'm gonna open the trunk enough for you to throw the gun out. okay? you shoot -- buddy's got your shotgun, says he'll shoot back if you do and i can't stop him. so it's up to you. do we need him? oh, hey, studs? we thought you were somebody else. oh, nuthin'. you coming out? you hear that? have your clothes cleaned and send me the bill. take your sunglasses off. you don't take 'em off, i'm gonna throw 'em off the overpass while they're still on your head. wait in the car. i'd like you to go wait in the car. how's that? take her with you and put her in back. the backseat. wait a minute. let me have your raincoat. somebody forgot to bring me clean clothes. why you brought glenn into this, i'll never know. his idea? gimme a break. fuckin' guy's got a vacant lot for a head. was you and me figured the whole thing out. i don't know why, but every time he opens his mouth i want to punch him out. i want to talk to her again, that's all. see what would happen under, you know, normal circumstances. sign says "shut the fuck up." or can't you guys read? yeah. yeah, i got a problem. this is the dumbest fucking shakedown in the history of dump shakedowns. three hundred bucks for a pillow? must be a real soft pillow. how much for your company at chow? i bet. how much? you're smart, ripley, you'll tell this guy to fuck off. first of all, if he kills you, he's not gonna get any more money out of you. you stick anything in this guy, snoop, they transfer his ass outta here faster'n you can throw a fight, and you still end up with nothing. i don't smoke. thirty-two outta what, twenty? any time. i'm just saying she wasn't scared. you're just jealous it was me in the trunk with her and not you. first thing i'm gonna do is get all this mud off me. i've been dreaming about a hot bath for the last six months. soak the prison off me. oh, man. i know exactly what you mean. it's just a feeling. you know, i could go for some wine tonight. sounds great. hey. i wasn't feeling my best that day. i'd just drawn thirty to life. thanks. say anything in there about karen sisco? yeah, but what happened after she drove off with glenn? think this old guy is her boyfriend? it's the only picture she carries. we'll leave first thing in the morning. hi. you know who this is? i just wanted to see if you're okay, make sure glenn didn't hurt you or, you know, anything. who was it answered the phone? i'm just worried maybe i'm not old enough for you. really. he has a cop's face. and your gun. how do we do that? sure. i'll just leave 'em with the s.w.a.t. guy answers the door. you won't do that. because you're having too much fun. i can just picture that, a cute girl like you following slip-and-fall and whiplash cheaters. why? you think he might tell you where i am? he's dead. he did twenty-seven years before he came out and died not too long after in charity hospital, i think trying to make up for all the good times he'd missed. that's not gonna be me. i'm partial to mountains myself. but if you like islands, we'll make it an island. i just thought maybe you and me could-- what?! chino's gonna wanna talk to me. he's gotta know by now that i gave him up back at glades. he does, he's gonna try to find me. maybe go see adele, see what she knows. we were talking one time, drinking rum. i may've mentioned adele, how she worked for a magician. chino got interested. he's like, yeah? how does he saw the woman in half? he wanted to meet her. or get a look at her if she ever came to visit. her phone's probably tapped. shit. i'm a tourist. in here with my suntan lotion and beach towel. that's her place. uh-huh. i guess adele's in good hands. let's go to detroit. first thing we do, we get to detroit, we find glenn, then we find a window to throw him out of. well, first off, if you were glenn, you wouldn't be thinking. snoopy. christ, i thought he'd be brain dead by now. she looked right at me. she didn't yell or get excited. she didn't move. she just sat there, looking right at me. i don't know. i never used a gun. you'd be surprised what all you can get, you ask for it the right way. no? where do you keep it, dick? i'm talking about all those uncut diamonds you told glenn about. you're the one with balls, dick, say something like that to someone like glenn. or maybe you just forgot where you were for a minute. of course not. doesn't have to figure out shit. you told him you keep 'em at your house. twenty-two months, three days, two hours. why? it's a little late for me. i don't know. i'm not exactly the nine-to-five type. my ex-wife's in miami. it's nice down there. the fish? i can't say that i've paid that much attention to 'em before. and the guy sent you a bill for this? the next time i walk into a bank. what? love is funny. i think glenn opened his big mouth and now we got us another partner. weren't you expecting us? yeah? she said that to you? what happened to your shades? someone finally step on 'em? whose blood you got all over you? is that snoopy? in the purple doo rag? snoopy miller, famous fight thrower. low class of people there, snoop. like being back in the yard, huh? glenn didn't tell you? why? just because you left us standing on the side of the road? look, snoop, i don't know what glenn promised you or what you think you're gonna get, but the deal is me and buddy get half of whatever we take from ripley, understand? how you and glenn cut up the rest is up to you. what's the matter with right here? it's nice and warm. we'll see you tomorrow then. it's a terrific shot of her. doesn't say what she's doing up here, but i don't think it has anything to do with us. i think she's after glenn. the girl still with you? you tell your sister about it? how long you talk to her? how long were you with the girl? you didn't tell your sister about ripley, did you? 'cause i don't wanna go through that again. let's drive by where we're meeting and have a look. maybe take a look at ripley's place while we're at it. i still haven't made up my mind yet. you goin' right back to work? hi! i just broke outta jail! karen sisco, please. thank you. jesus, look at that wall. place almost looks like a prison. time comes, we knock on the door. see if he wants to talk about old times. go in the easy way. who says anybody's gonna be with us? i say we go to the fights tomorrow, find out what the snoop's big plan is, then go in ahead of those guys -- alone. tell me something, buddy. you know anyone who's actually done one last big score and gone to live the good life? cause it occurred to me that everyone talks about doing it, but i don't know anyone who's actually gone and done it. do you? let fate decide? what're you, the fuckin' dali lama now? yeah, it's called glades correctional institution and i'm sure as shit not going back there or any place like it. they put a gun on you, you still have a choice, don't you? great. what? what is this? my what? are you kidding me? a security guard? are you fucking kidding me? how, dick? the way you earned it? by marrying some rich broad owns the company, selling it off a piece at a time, then divorcing her? what is this knute rockne, pull yourself up by the bootstraps bullshit? back in prison, guy like you, place like that, you were ice cream for freaks. you were a goddamn dumpling. maurice and a dozen other guys coulda bled you till you had nothing. till you were nothing. i saved your ass. so you'll pardon me if i don't wanna sit on a fuckin stool all day saying "sign in here please" or "hey, pal, you can't park there." okay, dick? i can't do it. hey, what job he promise you guys? yeah? what are they? oh, yeah, i'm calm. in fact, i'm totally "relaxed" listen, i gotta get some better shoes, few other things before tomorrow. why don't you drop me off at the ren cen, we'll hook up later? i'm gary. i can go to the bar. those guys bother you? you like bourbon? well, we got that out of the way. tell me, celeste. what do you do for a living? is that how you think of yourself? a girl. i like your hair. and that suit. you did? having it cleaned didn't help, huh? how far do we go with this? i don't think it works if we're somebody else. you know what i mean? gary and celeste, jesus, what do they know about anything? it's not a game. something you play. it doesn't have to, it's something that happens. it's like seeing a person you never saw before -- you could be passing on the street -- you look at each other and for a few seconds, there's a kind of recognition. like you both know something. but then the next moment the person's gone, and it's too late to do anything about it, but you remember it because it was right there and you let it go, and you think, "what if i had stopped and said something?" it might happen only a few times in your life. why don't we get out of here. i called your room from downstairs. well, i'd say who i was and do you remember me and ask if you'd like to meet for a drink. it would be worth the risk. so do you. that's not what you were about to say. she did, huh. yeah, but in a nice way. i might've smelled like a sewer, but you could tell i was a gentleman. they say john dillinger was a pretty nice guy. i hear he didn't mean to. the cop fell as dillinger was aiming at his leg and got him through the heart. why not? i don't know. i hadn't worked that part out yet. all i knew was that i liked you, and i didn't want to leave you there, never see you again. i wasn't sure you caught that. really? i was thinking the same thing. if we could call time and get together for a while. you know i saw you on the street. outside adele's. to warn her about chino. i don't think we should get into that. don't talk like that, okay? you scare me. my god, look at you. you having fun? you coming back? why are you mad? what about my motive? now i can say i fucked a us marshal. you think i will? i know of a guy he goes in the bank holding a bottle he says is nitroglycerin. he scores some cash off a teller, he's on his way out when he drops the bottle. it shatters on the tile floor, he slips in the stuff, cracks his head and they've got him. the nitro was canola oil. i know more fucked-up bank robbers than ones that know what they're doing. i doubt one in ten can tell a dye pack when he sees one. most bank robbers are fucking morons. to go to bed with a bank robber for kinky thrills, as you say, you'd have to be as dumb as they are. i know you're not dumb, so why would i think that? why would you think i might think that? i don't know about that. you can't do three falls and think you have much of a brain. you getting serious on me now? you know. i saw karen sisco. yes, she did. you know how i felt about her. it wasn't about getting laid. i just wanted to know what might've happened if things were different. yeah, i did. i don't know. who's sitting here? well, if he left his coat and he's been gone a while. we're leaving. snoop, if you don't know where glenn is. i thought everything. give me a minute, talk to buddy. i wasn't asking permission. they want to go tonight, before glenn gets in any trouble, opens his big mouth. i get that feeling, yeah. i'll make you a deal. get out of here. right now. i'll do the job with the snoop, meet you wherever you want and give you half. getting me out of glades for starters. that what they're wearing these days to break and enter? so you've done this before, huh? that's a wonderful story, snoop. i'm very excited about tonight. i've seen 'em used on tv. go on in the house before you get hurt. there's still time, take me up on my offer. jesus christ, what difference does it make? you want to wait for him? how about his place in florida? if you'd called, we could've checked his walls down there before we left. that is, if you'd checked to see where he was. you follow me? you ever wear one of these? stay with the maid. i'm gonna have a look around. they cut the lines, richard. how are you, richard? maurice miller, couple of his friends. what kinda man lets a woman answer the door, this time a night? a minute or two, you're gonna wish you were. why don't you come on over here, sit down, richard, have a look at your fish. you gonna write me a check? you remember buddy, don't you, richard? siddown, dick. they're trying to open the safe, not your maid. i'm not angry, richard. in fact, i'm completely relaxed. thing is, i can't tell if it's the fish that're cooling me out or all those uncut diamonds on the bottom of the tank there. dumbfuck glenn was right, there's about five million worth in there, wouldn't you say, richard? they sure do. go get a bag. i were you, i'd get up and run. don't be an asshole, richard. they're gonna kill you. good luck, richard. shit. they're gonna rape the maid, aren't they. and then they'll kill 'em. we made it, didn't we? i'm going back inside. no, you dump the van, meet me at the airport. i'll take one of ripley's cars. listen, buddy, the shit that's about to go down, you'll be on the phone with your sister for a month. let me do this part alone. i'm saying this isn't your problem. far as i'm concerned, we're square. now get outta here. midge? downstairs. but wait here. there's two more. you learn from doing. not until recently. a little. you're right. so why take a chance-- shit. pretend i'm somebody else. if you don't, one of those guys will. i told you, i'm not going back. no more time outs. you just did, for christ sake. hejira? what kinda name is that? what's it mean, "no hair"? the flight? you were at leavenworth, huh? meaning? you busted out? and how long was it before they caught up with you? there were others. the ninth? you must be some kinda walker, henry. and so now you're off to glades. she did, huh. yeah, could be. or maybe she thought we'd have a lot to talk about. I don't know. It's a long way down to Florida.