the one gonna help us rip off the rich guy? do what? the state, huh. who's fighting? did i ask you? go on out of here. do something with yourself. how you know that? i was. till i got my retina detached two time. light to super-middleweight, as my body developed. you go about what, bantam? you know your divisions. you like the fights? like the rough stuff? yeah, i bet you do. like to get down and tussle a little bit? like me and tuffy, before she got run over, we use to get down on the floor and tussle. i say to her, "you a good dog, tuffy, here's a treat for you." and i give tuffy what every dog love best. you know what that is? a bone. i can give you a bone, too, girl. don't matter. i let the monster out, you gonna do what it wants. bring your own rubbers with you? we gonna tussle first. god damn. what's wrong with you? hey, shit, we're gonna have a party. what's you name, mama? i don't recognize none of these bands. i think she like to tussle with me. get boned a way she gonna remember.