happy birthday. something better. open it. it's a -- happy birthday, kid. you want another coke? which one is that? the atf guy? he's still married though, huh? oh, he's moved out? then they're not separated, are they? what're you doing at glades? you know you can always step in, work with me full-time as one of my investigators. you used to like it. you'd meet doctors, lawyers -- nothing wrong with them necessarily if they're divorced. why settle for some cowboy cop who drinks too much and cheats on his wife? that's the way those hotshots are, all of 'em. we don't get to talk much any more. i'd like that. you were talking in your sleep. "hey, yourself." marshall sisco. karen's dad. i need to go to the john anyway. agent burdon. the white man's burdon. that's what everybody calls him in miami. the metro-dade guys. he's got a knack for pissing people off. what are you thinking about? tell you what, you're a good girl, you might get another one for christmas. is this foley? no? likewise. i see that. in case no one knows what he does. tell me, ray, you ever wear one says, "undercover"? off a tip? i knew it, soon as i saw they were offering a reward. did you pay the guy the reward? hello? yeah, she is. just a minute. for you. something i've been wondering, ray. it says in the headline, "i slept with a murderer, says shaken miami woman." she lives in little havana, her husband's out of town working when one of the escapees shows up at her door. she fixes him pork chops and rice, the next thing you know they're making love on the sofa. she says he was very gentle. that's how you score now? so the woman's married. she goes to bed with this prison escapee because he misses his little girl and then tells the world about it. but you don't reveal her name, you protect her. it sounds like you're saying it's okay as long as her husband doesn't find out about it. like the guy who cheats on his wife, saying what she doesn't know won't hurt her. what? remember, pay attention to how she talks about foley, her tone. do it right, she'll tell you things she wouldn't tell burdon. tell her you think he's a nice guy. no, first tell her about being in the trunk with him, in the dark for half an hour, and see how she takes it. if she's in on it, what does she get for all the aggravation; cops breathing on her? i bet nothing. so she still likes him enough to stick her neck out. you think that's possible? what kind of guy is he? he remind you of that guy, tillman? but you know he's dirty and you still wanna see him again. maybe. but you're also curious about the man. twice last night you asked your married boyfriend nicolet about him. you were concerned, but you didn't want to show it. you like the wild ones, don't you? tillman, nicolet and now foley. you know, i've always said there's a thin line between the cowboy cops and the armed robbers, all those guys that love to pack. yeah, but you talked all the way from gci to the turnpike. it sounds more like a first date than a kidnapping. go talk to the ex-wife. he waved to you? you wave back? i imagine you would've though. so? he doesn't seem to hold a grudge. what i want to know is why, they got such a big score up north, did foley hang around miami for so long? any thoughts on that one? you gonna go get him? i was just thinking. you could have a nice time with him on the plane -- like picking up where your interlude, or whatever you call it, left off. and then throw him in the can. my little girl, the tough babe.