dick. my man. i got your fishies for you. not so fast, dick. starting now, there's gonna be an across the board cost a living increase. year ago, i come in here on credit card fraud, but after i shanked that loudmouth pussy on the yard the other day, my dunn & broadstreet, has gone way the fuck up. whoever. the point is, prices are goin' up, too. better get your little black book out, richard. we got some business to talk about. let's start with the fish. they was two grand, but now they's three. that bausch & lomb saline shit you asked for is gonna be eighty bucks. and that extra pillow's gonna be an even three c's. there a problem, foley? that's right. faux goose down. company, shit. i watch the man's back. another c. man doesn't have to get killed. he could accidentally fall on something sharp, like a shiv. or my dick. this doesn't concern you, foley. why don't you go on out to the yard, have yourself a smoke? himey here's a pro-toh-jay of mine. he's ranked number thirty-two in the federal prison system. oh, you know, reading's funnamental an' shit, we just excited. yeah. sure. it's all settled. stick and jab, fool. stick and jab. hey! watch that shit! you gonna answer the phone? moselle, the fuck are you doing to my little tuffy? that's the dumbest thing i heard in my life. everybody knows kal kan doesn't pay for shit. you gonna get a gig, it's gotta be for one of the big three: science diet, iams or that cycle shit for the fat dogs. now answer the fuckin phone. this is me. studs. hey, son, you must be one a them psychic friends. i was just thinkin' about you. you crazy, come up here? it's fuckin one degree outside. uh-huh. someone? gimme a hint. gimme another hint. oh, i'm here, all right. i'm very here. question is, why aren't you here? i don't just manage fighters, or deal product any more. i've diversified since the last time you saw me. i've vertically integrated and now i'm into home invasions and the occasional grand larceny. white boy bob's my all-around man, my bodyguard when i feel i need one, and my driver. watch the road, boy. i like this town car. we can cruise the man's neighbourhood without getting the police or private security people on our ass. it's lilac, man, the color, and the style's made known by deion and other defensive backs in the pros. i could be one of them living out here with doctors of my race and basketball players. okay, here comes mr. ripley's house up on the left. yeah. the brick wall. there's his drive, right there. you sure foley and his pal aren't coming up here, do this themself? i'll show you, soon as i get one more guy i'm gonna need, moselle's brother, kenneth. along with white boy there. you get everything? cool. kenneth, this is the man i told you about, glenn. that's right. you just ask me how we gonna do it. that's what i'm here for, tell you how. we the experts. thing i'm worried about is you. yeah. if you can step up and actually do it. understand? 'stead of just talking the talk. walk in a house with me, do this cross- dressin' nigga named eddie solomon i used to sell to been dealin' on his own. right now, son. look, glenn, i know you cool, but you don't have to give me no tone of voice, okay? you don't like what i'm saying, you can get out anywhere along here you want. hey, shit, come on. i say i want this car, man, it's mine. you go get yourself another one. i say i'm in on ripley? i'm in, with or without your ass. i say i want you to come along on another job, see if you for real or not, guess what you gonna do? let's go see eddie. was a time you see a gold mercedes over in the parking lot has a license plate on it say hitman? you know tommy hearns is inside. seeing the car would get our juices flowing. you already got your juices flowing, huh? pissed your pants back there at eddie's house, didn't you? that was some shit, huh? yeah, kenneth, why you have to do that to that poor girl. just wait till we get inside ripley's house. no. you gonna stay close to me from now on. so you don't disappear on me. was worse than you imagined, wasn't it? baby, you with the bad boys now. stick and jab! jack foley, famous bank robber. it seems to me i been reading about you in the newspaper. busted out of some joint in florida, huh? nobody calls me snoop no more or snoopy, is what white boy's trying to say. he's a little crude, you understand. no, i left that snoopy shit behind me. just like it. nobody backing down. you back down, you pussy. tell me what you and buddy doing up here in the cold? let's go outside and talk. warm? man, it's ninety-five degrees in here, sometimes a hundred -- the way emanuel always kep' it so his boys'd sweat, get lean and mean like tommy hearns. no, i ain't talking any business in here. to me this is holy ground, man. you understand? i got to be someplace anyway. y'all want to talk, come to the fights tomorrow night, we'll sit down and look at it good. the state theater. white boy, how much is the reward on the man again? uh-huh. you recall, did it say dead or alive? stick and jab, stick and jab! where you been? you miss the big boys, come in time for the walkout fights. well, shit, you may as well pull up a chair. kenneth, this is mr. jack foley and this is mr. buddy, famous bank robbers. your homie, glenn. only thing, he went to the men's about a while ago and never came back. i sent these two looking for him, they come back shaking their heads. reggie, push off and hit, man. push him off. the fuck you talking about? look, what you worried about glenn for? what's he know? glenn knows everything we suppose to do tomorrow. glenn could tell somebody that, yeah, but it don't mean shit. you understand? 'cause glenn don't know i changed the plan. it's happening tonight. soon as we leave here. stop home and pick up what we need and go do it. you got two minutes, that's all. make up your mind. man has all that reward on his head and still talks like a con in the yard. you know what i'm saying? like he's a man you don't mess with. yeah, well, what i say to jack foley is buuullshit. break and enter, shit. take it and git, how it's done. don't waste any time. that's how you do it. shit, yeah. white boy even got busted for it. white boy, tell these boys the reason you went down on that burglary that time. takes the tv, the vcr, some other shit and leaves his wallet on the floor. hey. you learn from doing. you know how to use one a these? do like he says, man. slow down. "an army .45 will stop all jive." huey p. said that. get ready to go skiing. here we go. not yet. where's mr. ripley? out for the evening? when's he due back? you here all by yourself? where's ripley's safe at, he keep his valuables in. let's go upstairs, have a look at the man's bedroom. all right now, you and mr. buddy check the rooms down here. look at the wall behind any pictures hanging on it. look at the walls in the closets. the man has a safe, it's gonna be up there somewhere. you set off any kind of alarm and you're a dead hazel. understand? first money, then pussy. white boy, the man's not gonna hide no diamonds under the fuckin' mattress. where's foley? go keep an eye on him. kenneth, fuck the radio, put on a cd. just pick one, put it on. how do i look, mama? motherfucker! i found the safe. white boy! get your ass up here! we gonna open up this fucker. jesus! a'ight, this time we gotta get the motherfuckin' trajectory right. okay, on three: one. two. the fuck is this. go find foley. now! someone down here? well, if it isn't the ripper hisself. where you been hiding, dick? forget about her. tell me where the money's at. where the fuck is foley? you take the front stairs, i'll take the back. jack, you don't use a gun, do you? nervous? this kind of setup, you don't have any idea what the fuck you're doing -- do you?