oh, uh, right, thanks. thank you. what? i think it's dunn & bradstreet. but then, i could be wrong. well, i need that. sounds high, doesn't it? still. really? well, i uhhh. excuse me. snoopy? did we settle the fish thing? that's how you do it. thanks for your help. must take balls, do what you do. tell me something. what's it like, walk in a bank with a gun, stick it up? really? you're the reason, jack, i don't keep all my money in banks. i know what you're talking about. yeah, but who's gonna believe glenn? i mean, do you believe glenn? plus, even it was true, he'd still have to figure out where i keep 'em. it's a big house. tell me something, jack, how much longer you in here? i was just thinking that i could use a guy like you, someone knows how to ask for things the right way. i'm talkin' about when you're outta here. i mean, you can't rob banks for ever. hey, jack? bullshit. i didn't make my first million until i was forty- two. forty-two. you really want to change, it's never too late. who is? but then you gotta look at a job as more than just work. you gotta look at it as peace of mind. as security, you know what i mean? i got offices in detroit, miami, boston, take your pick. no need to decide now. be like the fish. let whatever happens happen. yeah, fish live in the present. they don't dwell on yesterday and they don't worry about tomorrow. even when a big fish attacks a little fish, there's no neurosis involved. no guilt afterward. no whining on some fish-shrink's couch. they just do it. they accept. the fish saved my life. two years ago, i found out i had high blood pressure. so my doctor, he tells me to go get an aquarium, look at the fish every time i felt myself stressing out. it works. you should try it sometime. think about my offer, jack. i guess next time i see you, you'll be wearing a suit and tie. what's to think about? first, i'm goin' to israel for a year, study the talmud, work on a kibbutz. then come back, maybe take some tennis lessons. here. something to remember me by. it's not the real thing, but it's still nice to look at. see you on the outside, jack. jack? whoa-- what's the problem? take it easy, let's talk. you know, i wasn't sure you'd show up. but i was pretty sure that, if you did, you'd throw the job in my face. understand something, jack. up to this point, everything you've done with your life means absolutely nothing in the real world. less than nothing. you're a bank robber. this is not a marketable skill. there are no old bank robbers out in the world living on pensions. you know this. that's why you're here right now. today, i'm offering you a lousy job at a lousy wage. you think you're better than that? fine. show me. show me that you're really willing to change and we'll talk about something better. a lot better. but first, jack, you gotta earn it. jack, i'm disappointed. i guess i misjudged you. gentlemen. i think we've calmed down now. haven't we, jack? foley? that you? jesus christ, what the hell are you doing here? what's going on? who's upstairs? maurice? from lompoc? good god. have they got midge up there? we thought it might be her husband. sometimes he comes and checks up on her. she told him i was down in florida. what do you want from me, jack? name it. you want money? we'll go to my bank. i'll make a withdrawal. thank you. good god. they're shooting midge! i can't believe you're still angry with me, jack, after all this time. five point two. i'm not leaving midge. if that's my fate, so be it. i'm not leaving. i love her, jack. are those my suits? midge. foley's got it. midge! listen, jack. what'd you do with my diamonds?