-- you're too late. it wouldn't have mattered when you came. this one is different -- worse than lassa, worse even than ebola. it strikes and kills so fast. the young, the healthy, everybody. a road construction worker. we don't know. he died three days ago. salt moves ahead to the next bed and pulls aside the thin mosquito curtain to inspect the patient. ford is right behind him. you don't need to. it's not spread in the air. there's no cough. or we'd all be dead. for days we've been working with only these masks. they can't keep out a particle as small as a virus. the incubation period is only one or two days. the mortality is one hundred percent. if anyone got out, they are dead, or will be soon. and if they have spread the disease, we will know rather quickly. there are a hundred thousand species of animals and insects in this rain forest. the construction worker could have been in contact with any one of them. where do i start? he's asking for forgiveness from the gods of the forest. they're angry because they've been awoken from their sleep by the men building the road. these deaths are their punishment. he stayed in his cave all week and greeted his visitors with poison darts. a colobos monkey. the highways have chased them deeper and deeper into the jungle. but there are still a few left.