c'mon, rudy, talk to me! no response. dr. mascelli rubs his knuckles into rudy's chest. rudy groans. and now he's in shock with pneumonia. get me some blood cultures. henry nods as he fills a lavendar-topped tube with rudy's blood. i've been reading about real bad strep cases. i bet this is one of 'em. emma, don't leave him alone. his heart could stop any minute. you washed it out. don't worry. but just in case, i'll put you on some penicillin prophylactically. cheer up, the penicillin'll kill that, too. henry, we got it early, and you're gonna make it. but i need you to fight. henry stares at him with blank eyes. i don't know. more valium. quick. except for him, all of them. why? smash cut to: the common bond is the movie theatre. my god, if it's spreading through the air, person to person, by droplets, it's. it's the plague. everybody in the town's gonna die. but they will be. and if one person gets out -- people are gonna get out over the mountains -- it will be impossible to stop them.