which will be released next week, correct? to get out a special bulletin for four hundred thousand health professionals is about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. -- forgive me, robby, but this is the guy who found three cases of congo fever in nairobi in '87, and suddenly it's in every american kid's lunch box -- in '91 he said tsutsugamushi fever was coming. in '92 it was ebola. his panics cost us plenty. around here he's known as doctor doom. your father was one of the greatest surgeon generals this country ever had. he took me under his wing and let me fly. i've always been grateful. and i've always had a special feeling for you, robby. the. pain it gave him to see you working under gillespie. all your promise. the man never gave you a chance to show it. a long silence. drew has hit home. look, is there a shred of evidence that motaba is more transmissible than the other filoviruses we've seen in the past? then as long as the bulletin goes out next week, we're covered. cut to: we don't even have confirmation. this could all be for noth --