wait'll i get my new traps. the world'll never be the same. the guard raises the gate and jimbo drives forward. cut to: cars put babies to sleep, why not you? betsy takes a mouthful of water and spits it on jimbo. his reaction is instant rage. he slams the cage: you stupid fucking monkey! why'dya wanna go and do that? he shoves the cage further away. then he sees it - a small cut on his hand, caused by a couple of wire pro- trusions on the cage. he rubs the blood off on his shirt. the nissan roars down the road. cut to: yeah, sure. i got the papers. she's legal. you said 'she'. what about my money? we ain't got one. this was the only colobos we had. look, i'll sell her cheap. hey, i need some money now, man. rudy hesitates. i done you a lot of favors. rudy pulls out a billfold. what am i going to do with her? rudy shrugs. cut to: look at all the trees. it's like home. jimbo jabs her lightly with a drumstick. she runs out of the cage but stops at the edge of the road, afraid of the forest she doesn't know. c'mon, get. get! she scampers off into the forest. jimbo follows her with his eyes, a little saddened. cut to: someplace they don't have lawmen. he goes to the back of the plane where's it's deserted, and lies down across three seats. his body shakes with a chill. he pulls the blanket tight against his chest. cut to: some little brat gave me his cold. she plants a kiss on him and pats his ass.