hey, guys! my lawyer said not to talk to you anymore. put 'em in a kennel. you should've let me have them. you can't take care of them. beat. robby's torn. the dogs nuzzle against her leg. you know i'm moving to atlanta -- they want me to start in four days. four days is four weeks -- to you. silence. i know. a long beat. i'll look after them on one condition: if you're not back in four days, they're mine. gillespie doesn't like it. in writing. she unlatches the door and moves inside. the dogs race after her. gillespie enters. hey, guys, c'mon! they follow her in. guess what i got? the dogs bark excitedly. damn straight! she opens the freezer, grabs a couple of frozen bagels and flips them to the dogs. they catch the bagels and start i missed you guys so much. gillespie hands her the note. 'i, michael gillespie, agree that if i'm not back in exactly four days from now, the ownership of my dogs, osler and harvey, will go to roberta keough.' time and date it. he does. she points to a huge box on the kitchen table: that's stuff from med school. some of it's yours. i don't know if you want any of it. he fishes through it, shoving aside old medical books and equipment. he finds an old wood stethoscope with thick rubber tubing. he shoves in into his pocket. an apartment. probably. take it. four days. you asked for four days and four days it was. last night. i cut you ten years of slack. i'm not giving you the dogs. i shipped them this morning. it's better for them. and for you. i'll be there to feed them and take care of them. you won't have to feel guilty. she moves past the gate. gillespie's stuck behind it. screaming after her: dream on. hold on gillespie's dismay as she disappears. cut to: dr. gillespie wants us to send out a special bulletin warning all physicians to watch out for any symptoms of a virus from zaire named 'motaba.' he thinks it's serious enough to warrant emergency reporting nationwide, that it can't wait for our regular monthly report. wednesday. dr. gillespie says it's the worst virus he's ever studied -- -- you're not being fair -- he could've been right about any of them. rule out the worst first. that's what my father always taught. no. the boston case is not some guy out of zaire. with motaba, is it? then let's see if we can throw them a lifeline. at her kitchen table. petrified. we see she's been working late: her laptop's on, papers are strewn about. how many were exposed? gillespie said motaba only spreads by direct contact, that the disease isn't airborne. was patient zero coughing? sanchez flips through scott's medical record. then the people on the plane are probably okay. but we're going to have to check every one of them out. plus all the medical staff who worked on him and his girl friend. plus all their recent contacts. -- i don't see a choice -- that the c.d.c. is investigating the situation, but we do not feel there's reason for alarm. i know it's scary, julio, but the truth is we don't know what it is yet. send him everything by stat courier. this is dr. keough. put out a stage three alert. zebra, apple, charley, kill. great! now get the list of all his friends in san jose. i want to know every contact the last last five days. she hangs up, turns to lisa aronson, on the phone at the next desk. paitent zero didn't take a commercial plane to portland. presumably he went by car. fax every emergency room in the portland area a description of the disease. then hit every hospital along every freeway from san jose to portland. -- worst first. my father never made the same mistake twice. reynolds is humbled. cut to: you're sure? reynolds drops the ball. around the room: shock; even though they all anticipated the positive result, nobody can quite believe it. we don't know. we've only got a whole emergency room full of people in bonneville, oregon, and we don't know what they've got. we're not sure. i worked with the a.i.d.s. virus. i need to be able to test a lot of people and quickly. i need the primer -- i don't have time to fight with you. i'll have a courier pick up the primer at 01:00. she hangs up without giving him a chance to respond. i'm dr. roberta keough from the c.d.c. i'm in charge. let me do my job. please. i know what i'm doing. a beat. he reluctantly lets go. she goes inside. on whose authority are you here, michael? where's the crash cart? dr. mascelli, we spoke on the phone, i'm dr. keough from the how many of your patients are coughing? -- it's mutated -- the quarantine has to be ironclad -- how. you're using rubber bullets, aren't you? briggs salutes gillespie. he speaks with a georgia accent. you're operating under civilian control in a civilian disater. -- he was right. we were wrong -- you can't put him in jail. i need him. i need his whole team. ford thinks for a moment. why is he so quiet? izzy! general ford is right. the army will begin emergency food deliveries once a day. cut to: if you have special needs, such as medicine you take, let them know and it'll be delivered to you. but please -- stay inside. do not go out for any reason. if you're feeling sick in any way, you should hang a pillowcase or other piece of cloth on your front door. soldiers will take you somewhere safe for a test. you'll know the result within a few hours. if you're positive, you'll go into one of our isolation hospitals, so bring clothes and personal things you might need. i know you're scared. we're all scared. but together we're going to get through this. cut to: positive. it was only a few seconds, nothing got in. i can finish the tests -- but where did this monkey get the disease? lisa, go back there. there's got to be something that was missed. lisa nods. cut to: comin' up. a long, long beat. berman slowly opens his eyes. gillespie smiles. watch out! she shoves mike's hand out of the path, but the needle nicks her glove. mike and wally are horrified. it didn't get past the outer glove. hold him down. wally pins izzy's arm down as robby sticks in an iv and injects medicine. izzy stops seizing. cut to: no goodbyes. it's bad luck. i'm glad you were here. cut to: i'm scared. so scared. he comes toward her. no false hope. no games. just be with me. he cups her hands in his gloved hand. how's izzy? hold. me. he puts his arms around her. screams into helmet radio: