you got the papers and all? whaddya mean 'she'? betsy takes advantage of the opening and bolts out of the cage, heading for the window. as rudy and jimbo both chase after her, rudy is steaming. i told you a male. bullshit! i said 'he'. the customer's already got a female colobos. he wants to breed 'em. betsy slams against the glass. rudy grabs her. c'mon, baby. c'mon. she lashes out at his naked forearm, digging her nails into him, drawing blood. he yelps and lets go, and she runs away to the other side of the room, passing the brown rhesus, who eyes a half-eaten banana in betsy's cage. he grabs it and scarfs it down. jimbo finally grabs betsy from behind. rudy grabs her from the front and they thrust her back into her cage. rudy wipes the blood off his arm. get this bitch outa here. go back and get me a male colobos. i wouldn't take her for free. i can't even sell this one. all right. fifty bucks for your expenses. a lot more when you bring me a male. i'm fine, mrs. foote. it's hot. that's all. lemme open a win-- suddenly his face twitches, his body stiffens, his eyes roll back and he falls to the floor, convulsing violently. mrs. foote screams. cut to: