of course. i'm so sorry. thank you for coming. come in and meet the rest of the gang. kiiidds!!! get your butts down here and say "hello!" you've already met lulu. this is peter, zoe and todd. kids, this is lieutenant wolfe. he's the man who is going to be staying with us for a while. and this is helga and tyler. kids, go finish your homework. and i'll be checking. charles wasn't around too much. his work took him all over the world. he'd be gone six or seven months at a time. so i think for the younger ones it's a little confusing. zoe and todd. well, they're dealing like your normal teenagers. maybe in todd's case semi-normal. charles was in a dangerous business. i knew it when i married him. no one's to blame here. everyone thinks that charles told me or the kids where he hid it. and until g.h.o.s.t. is found, we're all in danger. that's gary. he was charles'. call me julie. i'm glad you're here- what is it? that's wonderful. this could all be over! i'll be there. don't worry about the kids, helga will handle everything. but if there is an emergency, all the emergency numbers are on the fridge. and on the phone. and on the back door. i know, it's just. i am a mom, it's my job to worry. . i love you guys. i'm gonna miss you. i'll be back in 48 hours. and guys, whatever lieutenant wolfe asks you to do. do it. okay? lieutenant, i don't want you to worry about anything except the safety of my children. helga will take care of everything else. can't you call somebody? do something to get us around all this paperwork? thank you. how long is that? i'm a mom, it's my job to worry. it's only a few more days. i hate leaving you, but you know i have to do this. i love you. oh my god! well, yes and no. we found something in the box. but we're not sure what it is. bill thinks it's part of the ghost. it looks like some kind of "key". we just don't know what its for. the good news is i'll be home in two days, as soon as the customs paperwork clears. the red tape is cleared up, we're on the first plane in the morning. i had a fight with zoe when i left, so they probably trashed the place. i trusted you. charles trusted you. so did the department of defense. agggh! keep going! run! go get help!!! how does what work? i don't know any code -- charles didn't tell me about the room. no! you can't make him do this -- he doesn't have a chance. quick like a turtle lie on your back! shane! watch out! thank you shane. it's finally over. now we can go back to our peaceful. what's friday night?