i always said these kids didn't need a baby sitter, they needed a parole officer. looks like mrs. plummer finally listened. what's your name, son? aby-sitter huh. well, whatever work you can get. i'm murphy. duane. v.p in charge of discipline, conduct and truancy. top to bottom, k thru 12. you're in my house now, boy. i coach wrestling, too. and the creeper here played hookey from every wrestling practice this month. she's missed twenty-two driver's ed classes. out of twenty-three. they're the worst students in my school. i was explaining, that as vice principal, i am in charge of. i'm got some leads. my informant's about to crack. he did. the kid's mixed up. look at him. you heard the lady. any more fighting and there'll be no more wrestling. personally i think that's a little harsh. boys'll be boys. `scept for plummer here. pretty slick, frogman -- i'm a black belt myself. s'why they asked me to coach the wrestling team. see -- total control. maybe you could stop by practice, we'd show the boys how a couple of pros do it, what do you say? come on, promise i'll go easy on you. oh, yeah. that's right. i forgot you had to baby-sit. maybe some other time then. looks like pretty boy there's all bark and no bite. that? lady drivers, what do you expect. no, it's not that -- it's the boy. this is how he showed up to practice. and that's not all. i was doing a little re- con in his locker. and i found this: if he'd had hustler or something, boys will be boys -- but this is just sick. hope you won't go light on him -- that whole family's no good, if you ask me. you're a good man, shane. bet you're a hell of a fighter on the mats, huh? maybe sometime we oughta strap up, we'll give these boys a treat. it's a date then. i'll show you a couple moves. i promise i won't hurt you. see that? you never know when your adversary is going to strike! come on frogman! don't be a sissy! i've had it. i just caught this boy dancing under the bleachers like some kind of bavarian fruitcake. i want this freak outta my school and into treatment. somebody needs to give this punk a talking to. you got something to say? boy? winners never quit, boy. what're you so scared of, freak? a musical? you're blowing off wrestling for a musical? this is what happens when there's no man in the house. stay out of this, baby sitter! after school. the gym. your ass is mine. that baloney bandit struck again. i accept full responsibility. my intelligence proved to be faulty, but if i had more resources. i told you not to pass her in driver's ed.