lieutenant shane wolfe, united states navy. i'm gonna get you outta here. but you have to do exactly what i say, when i say it. my way -- no highway option. do you copy? where's the briefcase? i've got the prof and the case. first round's on me back at virginia beach. hold on. you know how to swim? better keep that on `til we get to the rendezvous point. no. i'm just not big on chit chat. negative. not imperative to the mission. we have to keep moving. i have strict orders to get you out of here safely. make it quick. negative. we're almost ready. just gives us a - professor, run!!! captain, sir. i know sir. and i except full responsibility for the mission's failure. he had to call his family. a lapse in judgement on my part that i regret sir. the case was empty sir, as i stated in my report. sir. thank you. i. appreciate your confidence. i'll need to put a team together. i'm gonna need the mini sub, i need access to an ep3 aries 2 spy plane. that's it? why would you want me for that, sir. sirnosir. it's just that. i've never been very good with kids, sir. not even when i was a kid sir. lieutenant shane wolfe, reporting for duty. ma'am. baby. you have a pleasant family, ma'am. mrs. plummer, i have to tell you that i did everything i could. nothing will happen to your family as long as i'm here. i've dealt with much. mrs. plummer- mrs. plummer, i'll go secure the perimeter. don't worry. they'll be safe with me. no. could you turn that dow- hey- where's the baby? you run a very loose ship. so you're the one who broke in. zoe -- go back inside. not with this kid. you -- gimme twenty! i meant push-ups! my apologies. we had an intruder. a simple misunderstanding. oh. sorry. sorry. your mother thought you were in real danger. you should have told her the truth. not anymore. lights out. this family's in for a rude awakening. you're burning daylight. move. move. now move it! hey. not in front of the kids. usca mi-as chilotii pe crucea lu mata! listen up, ladies. your behavior is unacceptable. in order to maintain a state of safety we need to maintain a state of discipline and order. i've only got one rule: everything is done my way. no highway option. do you copy? what? i said -- do you. do not copy me! tracking devices. now that i know i can't trust you. never take them off. the panic button is only for emergencies. touch that -- you better be dying, or you're dead. let me explain how the chain of command works. i tell you what to do -- and you do it. end of chain. now i'm not gonna have time to learn your names. so you are -- red 1, red 2, red leader, red baby. wait, where's the older male? there were five. red 4! open this door! it didn't have to go down like- all i need is a hammer and some plaster of paris. i can fix this. here's your bracelet. if you'd been wearing it, this wouldn't have happened. hey, hey, good soldiers aren't afraid of anything. really? and where is this ghost? red leader, remain calm -- let's not be hasty. hello--- don't even think about it. ah, mrs. plummer. no no -- everything's fine. you're gonna be gone how much longer? five business days? that is not a problem. just doing my. duty. ah! things are great!!! you do what you have to do. take care, mrs. plummer. red leader! i command you to come back! that is a direct order! you can't leave a man behind!! okay, listen up. there's been a change of plans. your mom's not coming back as soon as she thought. soon. in the meantime, we're just gonna have some more big fun. whoa, whoa! halt! we'll take this hill one inch at a time. only then can we rise to the challenge. all for one, and one for all! that's army. i'm navy. but i appreciate your enthusiasm. tell me that was the duck? hey. hey! the things i do for my country. thank you. affirmative. none of your business. i think -- it's time for you take a nappy- poo, in beddibye land, little girl. what are you waiting for? dig in. don't worry, i can get lots more of those. and i've survived off this stuff for months. okay, ladies. your mama -- is not here to take care of you now. so -- here's how it's gonna be. we're gonna pull together, all for one, one for all. if i say in, you stay in, if i say out, you go out. i did not say at ease! you play too many video games. yes. negative. plummer residence. yes, i know it's monday. oh. thank you, sir. your vice principal. he said if you're late again, you and todd are expelled. he wants to see you in his office. with your . legal guardian. not on my watch. wolfe. shane. lieutenant. i'm in charge of watching these kids for. a few days. red 1, red 2. get moving. bodyguard. you see, mrs. plummer called my captain, she thought the kids needed - you're kidding? "honor, courage. can't be too careful. so. permission to stick around and keep eyes on the kids? no one will even notice i'm here. clean as a whistle. back off. official business. give up now. save us both a world of pain. now -- last time: open the hanger, black hawk coming in. open in t minus three, two, one. show no weakness. sure. hey -- i out rank you, you know. oh, man. nice moves, man. sorry, sir. i'm on duty. i'd love to, for one who'll eat, and not cry. oh -- change him. roger that. uh. but. emergency! thanks. tell me where the kids are and i'll let you all live! red 1? red 2? just fine, thank you. who are those people? get rid of them. selling cookies isn't imperative to my mission. alright, ladies. here's how it's gonna be. tonight, i'm gonna be your den -- commander. that means if you want to live to see tomorrow, do as i say. do we understand each other? good. now -- wait here. i gotta get supplies. i can see you through the window, but if anything happens. where are my troops? what happened? well? well then -- i'm afraid i have to eliminate them. if i don't come back -- avenge my death. this is not a toy. i'm here to protect you. not cookies. get in the car, we're going home. where? i wish i were in chechnya. in a big glass this much ice. this much cyanide. what? i'm watching your brother. that's not fair. nobody can jump thirty feet. that wasn't a documentary. this isn't fair. my joystick's broken. you don't have a baby on your chest. move, move, move! go go! inexcusable, to leave a man behind like that. clear out! go go go! party's over. no one leaves until this house is spotless! i want to be able to eat off the floor! the latrine! hell, i wanna be able to eat in the kitchen!! oh no you don't. now, we're gonna do this my way -- no highway option. start swabbing, ladies. those people aren't your friends. they show no respect for you or your house. because you have no respect for yourself. you got barf on your tank top. company, downstairs! you're right, red 1. i'm not the man for this job. in all my years i have never been treated with such disrespect. not even from the enemy. don't worry, as soon as your mom comes back, i'm gone. now what? puberty. talking doesn't do any good. go to your rooms. go! okay -- who wants some? kids. it's safe. you can open up. i'm not going anywhere. shhh. it's okay. they're looking for a program, that your father invented. they're not after you. they want this. but nothing's gonna happen to you, as long as i'm here. and i'm not going anywhere. but i can't do this without your help, okay? we need a little more cooperation here. tell you what -- let's start over. from now on, you listen to me, and do what i say. and i. i'll listen to you too. deal? truce -- okay? c'mon c'mon c'mon. mrs. plummer. two men tried to get into the house tonight. no - it's okay. they're gone, everyone's fine. they were looking for ghost, but they didn't find it. you have any luck? so soon? we were just starting to have fun. don't worry -- we'll be just fine. i gotta warn you guys: from now on, i'm gonna be sticking even closer. don't worry. so, she wrecked a driver's ed. car -- she'll pay for the damage. red two? i mean todd? has he been skipping class? he's not a nazi. i'll talk to him. another time, maybe. did you kick me in the back? is there a footprint on my jacket? wait todd, i want to talk to you. smart kid. zoe, you're in charge. if anyone gets within forty clicks of the perimeter, signal me. keep all doors sealed, do your homework, preheat the oven, and make sure lulu brushes her teeth! you want in or out? no. my hands are freezing. at ease. would you listen, just once? look, i don't know a hell of a lot about this kinda stuff, but. you're good. a lot to learn, but with hard work, discipline -- you could make a go of this. that guy's an idiot. "sound of music" is a great show. my dad took me to see it when i was a kid. come on. julie andrews was hot. you know what girls think is weird? wrestling. men in leotards pinning each other to the floor? i've never understood that. chicks dig guys who can dance. company -- center stage! do you, or do you not have what it takes to perform this musical? no director? i have directed rescue missions in afghanistan! i've directed numerous snatch and grabs in countries who's names you are not allowed to know. i have choreographed multi-pronged amphibious landings and stealth air attacks! do you think i have the stomach to whip this production into shape, or not? yes what? what's up? i don't see what you see in this guy. it won't happen again. okay. i promise. i won't touch him. okay. let's see. once there was a family of elves. one day, the little elf family -- uh. went into the magic forest. to find a secret gnome. facility, where gnomes where turning mushrooms into. uranium. the elves had to go in and take it out. they were ordered to. by the elf unit commander at elf station bravo. so -- they waited for cloud cover, and they came in from the north. the elf team decided on an l ambush -- so three elves formed a base leg and laid down a heavy suppressive fire on the gnomes while the others maneuvered around to the right flank and walked through finishing off anything left alive. i mean standing. d issolve to: and not one elf got left behind that day. we got `em all. even, the teeniest little elf of all -- rodriquez. oh, c'mon. i can't remember that thing. when you're down and low, lower than the floor. and you ain't got a chance. don't make a move `til you're in the groove, and do the panda dance. just hop three times like a kangaroo -- sidestep twice, just like the crabs do. take three steps forward and one step back. what are you looking at? today you drive. exactly. do you know what causes most accidents? ttention span. the most important thing is that you keep an absolute focus on. the road! don't look at me. no. keep going. i trust you. good. next lesson, 1500 hours. i know 437 ways to hurt a man without touching him. broken promises lead to broken legs. do we understand each other? wow. i'm glad i never had you for a co. thanks. you look nice today. you said you wanted to wrestle. you win. let's do it. i'll be sure to lock up when i'm through. dislocated nerve, that's all. he'll be fine in two months. let's go, todd. i got my troops waiting. if you're ever lost in the woods, the first thing you have to do is find a source of drinking water! and make sure it's potable. if you're not sure, boil it for thirty minutes! you have to eat, right? well let me tell you you're not gonna find girl scout cookies out here. no brownies either. a lot of roots are edible. so is some tree bark. when i halo'd into rwanda, i lived off the underground fern stem for three weeks! insects. they look nasty but they're full of nutrients that may save your life. wots of pwotien! okay -- we'll put von trapps here, here, and. here at the top of the stairs. now the nazis are gonna come in, this way -- and the von trapp is set. why don't we just let the nazis win tonight -- huh? now. from the top -- think of yourself as a gazelle prancing over the plains. graceful. gazelle. prancing. graceful. again. don't touch that dial sleep for a while -- heaaay! and say good night, peter panda. good night, peter. i'm not your daddy, peter. but sweet dreams. that's my troop. sound off! it's all in the wrist. what's wrong. scott? how long you been together? that's longer than any relationship i've ever had. hey. your father cared about you very deeply. he told me you were the greatest things in his life. that what's bothering you? cause -- we can talk about it, if you want. this was my dad's. he was the only family i ever had. mom left when i was little, cause dad was always gone. two years in. an indisclosable locale. another six in. another indisclosable locale. i didn't really have a home, so i went to military school -- then one day my mom got the letter. no more dad. i always wanted to be just like him. i'm starting to realize, i never really knew him. i don't know if i'm like him or not. the hardest part was living without any details. why? how? where? i always wondered if he thought about me. you could say i just shut down my emotions. i turned off all feelings and dedicated myself to becoming the perfect soldier. just another assignment. no reason for personal attachments. hey gary, your wings aren't clipped. how come you don't fly away? i guess you've got it good. kids to play with. three squares a day. all quiet on the western front. i guess i better fix that playroom window. what happened, gary? what do you suppose this is? sir! excellent news. i think i found no. it's in a steel vault. i've been trying all night, can't crack it, sir. one things for sure. after we turn this in to my co, whoever's been bothering you guys won't be bothering you anymore. what's wrong, lulu? you should be happy. you guys better get ready. your mom should be home soon. captain. that's kind of you, sir. pause) but i'll have to think about it. sir, all i've never known is the military. at nine years old my father put me in cadet school and from there i never looked back. don't get me wrong, i wouldn't trade it for anything and i have no regrets. but being with these kids has made me feel like there's more to life than taking out your enemy. and i think i want to explore that some more. mr. and mrs. chun? they checked out- now! bill, don't hurt the kids. i know the code. i'll get you in. just please don't hurt anyone. anybody got any perfume? hair spray. breath freshener. zoe, todd, lulu, peter, tyler! the key is the kid's names. watch. but. that was the code! i swear! i saw plummer use it on his briefcase. haven't got a chance. when you're down and low, lower than the floor. and you haven't got a chance. don't make a move `til you're in the groove, and do the peter panda dance. just hop three times like a kangaroo -- sidestep twice, just like the crabs do. three steps forward and one step back. wriggle like a snake `til you can't no more. then better jump quick, like there ain't no floor. almost done, almost done. "just hold your breath, and jump to the left." and that's the peter panda dance. i was devoted to you, sir. and you betrayed all of that. all that we stand for. there will be no mercy. you're a. terrible neighbor. say, good night, peter panda! whoa, whoa! what are you doing to these kids?? these kids are heroes. they just aided in exposing a high-level espionage ring. i suggest you call the fbi. now. just doing my job. well. i'm kinda, re-conning the situation, here. and to tell the truth. i don't see anything but reasons to stay. i don't know. i'm on dry land. you're the superior office. you tell me. sir yes sir. ah, come here you. he would've wanted me to give it to someone i care about. like he did. thank you. for everything. your dad would be so proud. what are you talking about? i'm gonna see you friday night. tonight is the night we trained for, and failure is not an option! no detail is too small! we are the best! remember your lines, hit your marks, and stay in character! i expect perfection! now let's break a leg. yesss! huu-ah!