mom -- we'll be fine, chill. he's my boyfriend, tool. okay, fine. come on scott. who do you think you are -- my dad? let me go! it's saturday night. i have plans! i am not wearing that. just because my mom's paranoid doesn't mean we have to take orders from you. he's in his room. he has to go. here he comes! uh-oh. i need a signed release for driver's ed! like i'm really gonna eat all those carbs. he's only two, he doesn't have any idea what you're talking about. i don't have any idea what you're talking about. who was that? kick his butt, todd! yeah, he's a total psycho. i think mom found him from one of those tough love boot camps or something. this is totally cruel and unusual! you can't do this -- we could run out of air! he's got us on lock-down, it's like oz or something. no, not munchkin oz -- hbo oz. hm. i dunno if that's a good idea, scott. mom -- stop worrying. seriously, everything's cool. the guy's just a control freak. i know. don't worry, we're okay. tonight i'm just doing homework -- in my cell. dude, this is outta hand. who are all these people? dude, not cool. it was your idea! i don't even know most of these losers. thanks a lot, rambo. my friends will never come here again. i do too respect myself. you're not my dad! we hate you, you hate us. you're like a robot. why don't you just leave us alone? it's scott. i'm sorry for giving you a hard time. so mom's not paranoid? there really are people out to get us. hey mom we're fine, absolutely nothing happened you should worry about. nope. nothing. it's stupid. scott. i called him in his room, another girl picked up the phone. i know it's no big deal. i don't know why i let it get to me. it's just nice to think someone's thinking about you, you know? no wait! . what are you gonna do? you're not gonna hurt him are you? promise you won't touch him. but -- i can't even pass driver's ed. have you given a driving lesson before? what?!? you wanna drive? ha ha ha. very funny. don't worry. i'm not gonna jump. o. scott's fine. i don't know what you did, but he's really straightened up. flowers, phone calls. . i've never been in love like this before. a month. you're okay, shane. i'm not used to anyone giving me the benefit of the doubt. my teachers don't trust me. mom doesn't. my dad didn't care about us, he was never here. i miss him so much. that's horrible, shane. mommy's coming home! mommy's coming home! tomorrow morning! welcome home, mom. what's taking you? come on. use the gas, not the brake, 5-0. people are trying to kill us. they have my mom, and our bodyguard -- you have to follow me! fine. don't follow me! hey, i'm the one in driver's ed! i think i know what i'm doing!! but, officer. if you're reading this, then julie found the key. julie, tyler, peter, zoe, todd, lulu -- i want to say: i love you more than anything. i always have. but.