night has fallen. meg and sarah sit at a small table in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by packing boxes. they eat pizza. they chew, silently. sarah drinks a diet dr. pepper. meg finishes a glass of wine. the man walks across the kitchen, shaking his head in exasperation at the packing boxes all around him. he goes to the front window, peers outside. he reaches for a light switch on his right. the contents of one of the satchels is dumped out over the kitchen counter, every kind of tool imaginable, many that are unfamiliar to us. they sort through the pile, choosing things. in the kitchen, junior goes to the wall phone meg used to call for pizza earlier. he cuts the phone wire with a knife. burnham races across the kitchen floor, whips open a door and heads down another, narrow, darkened stairway. junior reaches the door of the kitchen, tries to open it, realizes it's screwed shut. he takes out a screwdriver and starts unscrewing the screws. burnham stops at the stairway. burnham is freaking out, but trying to stay calm. -- and slams it shut. he puts his back to it, thinking, terrified, things are spinning out of control, fast.