one floor down, burnham, raoul, and junior freeze, just coming up the stairs from the kitchen. they look up, hearing the water rushing through the pipes in the ceiling directly above them. burnham, raoul, and junior are standing in the half-darkened living room, in the middle of their argument, when a voice booms around them. in the living room, her voice booms from the speaker. burnham slides to his knees, snatches a flashlight from his duffel, leaps up and takes off again. junior strides into the living room, purposefully. he tosses some tools into his duffel bag and heads for the stairs down to the kitchen. burnham is behind him. in the living room, raoul looks up, hearing the pitter-pat of her feet on the stairs above. meg is in the living room, with harris, who is still slouched in the chair. he's in awful shape, barely conscious. in the living room, there is an audible click as the speaker is activated. meg looks up, hears burnham's voice, in the middle of a sentence. meg stares, in shock, as raoul's voice echoes in the empty room.