they're not supposed to be here!
they're not supposed to be here!
fourteen day escrow, man, that's almost three weeks! they shouldn't be here for another week! they don't own this house yet!
fourteen business days. escrow is always business days.
i mean, right? isn't it?
it's okay, raoul.
raoul is cool. that's all you need to know.
wait a minute, wait a minute. we can still handle this. can we still handle this?
daddy's not coming back, she's in the middle of a divorce, it's just the two of them. we're okay, here. we can do this, right?
forty-five minutes. that's all you said you need. that's like nothing.
so we keep an eye on her. raoul can totally administrate that part.
they won't get hurt.
raoul, what in god's name do we do if she has a gun?
a guy shows you a gun, burnham, and you insult him? hey, who's the idiot? huh?
i met him at the tables, same as you. and frankly, i'm grateful we have a little muscle right about now.
different tables.
we can't do it without you, burnham.
it's still a good plan. it's just.  got a twist.
not if we keep 'em here. you can't kidnap somebody in their own house. it's just breaking and entering, unless we take 'em someplace. or something like that, i'm pretty sure.
i am. i'm an idiot's son. an idiot's grandson. i'm third- generation idiot. but for once in my life i had a good idea, and i'm not giving up so easy. you are? are you actually telling me that for the first time in your life you're gonna throw your cards on the table and go home early? i can't believe my eyes. fourteen million dollars upstairs, burnham. you'll be out of the hole. baby, you'll be so far out of the hole you could draw bricks every night for the next twenty years and still shit green. come on, buddy. one more hand.
top floor, get the little girl and keep her there. i'll bring the woman up. gimme.
stay here. nobody gets past you.
she's coming back up toward you!!
shut up.
shut up and let me think.
okay, fuckball, you think. what are we gonna do?
she said she did.
yes. yes, it's all terrible ironic and amusing. you fuck. now how are you gonna get us into that room?
and why exactly would they want to come out?
open it.
be quiet.
they're coughing.
nobody is gonna die, man, will you please have the balls to follow through with a good idea? think about it, what would you do if you were them, stay in there and choke to death, or come out?! huh? we're just getting them to come out for forty-five minutes, forty-five fucking minutes! the worst that's gonna happen is they pass out, we drag 'em out here into the fresh air, and they'll be fine.
cut it back a little bit.
he's right, we can't get into the room if they're dead!
we're not gonna do anything about him, he's fine.
"half?" what did you, take a nap in math class? three people, three shares, one third. four point six six six repeating.
that's right, raoul, it wasn't your idea, none of this was your idea, it was mine, it's my family we're ripping off, it's my prick grandfather who built that fucking room, it was my idea to get the plans, i found the floor safe, and it was my idea to ask a guy who builds these rooms to help break into one! me, me, me, i, i, i, at no point did i say "you" or raoul," got it?
no, you will not, because without burnham there's no way in hell we're gonna get into that safe, so as far as i'm concerned he can paint your ass blue and run it up a flagpole and you won't lay a finger on him, you understand me?
what is this shit you're talking all of a sudden? you're a bus driver, "homes," you live in flatbush, so please don't start spouting some elmore leonard shit you just heard because i saw that movie too,
i, uh, i.
 hit a little snag finding the one in the basement.
she's never coming out.
and we're never getting in.
jesus, what was i thinking?
we're leaving.
close? are you insane? we're nowhere near close! fuck this, i'll make an anonymous phone call on monday, they'll find the floor safe, and i'll inherit the shit. little piece of it, anyway, it's better than nothing.
here. for your time.
five hundred bucks here.
suit yourself.
lookin' doubtful there, big guy, but ten out of ten for attitude.
yeah, whatever.