could you slow down a little? or we could wait for the car. how many more do we have after this? this is it? i told you on the phone, i have to be moved in in two weeks. sarah, please don't bounce that here. will they take asking price? i need a two week escrow and i'm already approved for the loan. i'm sorry. apartments, and. money, and. this is more my husband's area. was. his area. i'm not very good at. things, and if i can't prove to my soon to-be ex-husband that i can provide a suitable place for our daughter to live in the next fourteen days, it's going to get ugly between us. uglier. something's weird. i don't know, doesn't that corner seem funny to you? a what? makes me nervous. ever read any poe? no, edgar allen. what's to keep them from prying open the door? open it. open the door. i said open the door. don't! got us in here, didn't i? well, i know that now. battery's dead. the phone works. hey, i hooked up the phone. don't. i agree. but don't. bypass non-ready zones. shunt, enter, zone number. bypass non-ready zones. ah, shunt, enter, shunt again, zone number. wait. wake up. wake up. wake up. come on, come on. people. in the house. he's going down. what?! damn it! different phone line, i never hooked it up! can't hear a thing. i don't know. rob us. i don't know. wait. they can't. they can't get in here. no. they can't. feel okay? shaky? chills? hey. excuse me. the police are on their way. i suggest you leave. how'd he know that? take what you want and get out. "what we want is in that room." no, i told you, they can't. it's not a possibility. what do you know about this room? we're not coming out. we're not letting you in. get out of my house. fuck. get the fuck out of my house! oh, please. conversation's over. hey. relax, okay? i mean it, lie down. you get your adrenaline up and you know what's gonna happen. little bit. yeah. don't though. what am i, a five year old? i don't know, why? what the hell are they doing? locking us in. not here. not here. someplace else. someplace else. i am. i'm here. i'm here. i'm here. we're fine. we're okay. on the floor! get on the floor! morse code? where'd you learn s.o.s.? got him! yes, yes, yes, yes. shhh. damn. oh yes, yes. the hell is he? yeah, but where's the third guy? if it looks like i can't get back, just close the door. close it! oh, no. no, no, no no no no no. oh come on, come on, come on. wires. wires. i saw something, i saw. phone wires! i may not have hooked up the phone in here, but i hooked up the main line, and there's a jack at the base of this wall outside, i saw it! strip 'em, expose the ends, try blue first, blue is phones! yes, no, i don't know, do 'em all! i'm at 26 west -- no! damn it! on it! listen to me! there are three -- hello? don't. are. he'll do something. he'll know we're in trouble. he heard me, i said "there are three" what would you think, in the middle of the night? i mean, three what, three bears? he'll call the police. he's just across the park, this is why we got places so close to each other, in case we needed each other, we're still a family, he'll help us. he will. i'm sorry. why? what? come on, come on. stay with me. you gotta drink. okay, listen, honey, you went double digit here, you must have been shooting out adrenaline like crazy, we gotta bring your blood sugar back up, okay? can you hear me? hey, she's still a smart ass, excellent sign. did you see any sugar in here? any candy bars, anything sweet? okay, you just gotta calm yourself down, that's all, just stay calm and your adrenaline will go back to normal and you'll be fine. not an option. no biggie, we've been through it a dozen times, i just jab you with the glucogen. oh, you know, it's uh. it's in the little fridge in your room. hey, quit apologizing, you're starting to sound like grandma. you're not gonna have an attack. okay? oh god, oh my god. oh. oh. -- cine, she needs the medicine! you called the police? don't. say. a word. yeah? huh? what are you guys -- what time is it? i don't get it. somebody called you? what do you want? no, you can't come in. i'm fine. stop asking me that. i'm fine. who called you? you wake me out of a sound sleep at four in the morning and then tell me i look like hell? of course i look like hell, you don't look so hot yourself, jack. i'm freezing here, thank you for checking, can i go? oh, that phone call. man, you are good! you mean, like, if somebody was in the house or something? that's great, they really train you guys these days, don't they? no. i'm fine. cross my heart. huh? okay, look. my husband and i just broke up. it's my first night in the new house, and i was feeling a little lonely and a little drunk. the sentence, if you insist on knowing, was going to be "there are three things i'll do for you if you come over right now and get in bed with me." but thank god i came to my senses before i said all that and hung up instead, so nobody would ever know what i was thinking, unless, of course, two policemen showed up in the middle of the night to interrogate me about it. fourteen. no camera, no camera, no camera.