what? watch your mouth. it's just the woman and the kid? you're fuckin' a we can do this. no problem. you're welcome. no face. in the elevator! both of 'em headed toward you! what if she called the cops? what the fuck is funny about this? there is not one thing funny here. so what the fuck are we supposed to do?! he said open it. we ain't playin', here. no fucking way. we're gonna talk. downstairs. you stay. make sure she don't come out. if you think i'm gonna let my half of the fourteen million bucks slip away because of -- i'm just saying, the man is a problem. and he's your problem. wasn't me idea to bring him along. he puts his hands on me again i'll bury a slug in his ear. don't take no tone of voice with me, homes. the hell we are. nobody leaves. nobody leaves. you should see the look on your face. fuckin' asshole, thinks he knows me. drives his german car up to 125th street a couple of times, buys a few rounds, thinks he's a tough guy, thinks he knows me. you don't know one thing about me! who's the clown now? huh?! who's the fucking clown now?! that's right. i have the gun. remember that. what do you think? get us into that room. you can. you're full of ideas. you just need to squeeze one out. you got till the count of three. then you end up like him. one. squeeze. two. squeeze harder. th -- you got an idea? if you leave the house, we'll kill her. if i see a uniform in the house, we'll kill her. you understand? saw my face, man. saw my face. shut up. hurry up, for christ's sake! i don't know, she keeps screamin' the same thing over and over. drugs. she wants drugs. what the fuck? i don't fucking believe this. you gotta wait. yeah. she can. she's fine, she's just like, tired, she's gotta rest. you rest, kid. half an hour. come on. you're wasting your fucking time, man, you're wasting my time. you don't know how to do this, and the longer we stay in here, the more likely she's gonna lose it and call the cops! don't look at me. she's okay. now sit down and wait. congratulations. you saved her life for ten minutes. holy shit. holy shit. she's fuckin' crazy, she killed the kid! she just killed her own kid! she better. she saw my face. the kid too. that's their problem. you finish. then we finish. you're here with me, you're already on the hook for one. buy one, you get the rest for the same price. you know that. the kid in here. the other two when we come out. you know how this gotta end. they stay in the house. hey! the walls are steel, right? not that one?! we've got the kid! we've got your kid!! what the fuck is she thinking?! you know how this is gonna go!