you're surrendering. what unit? who cared for your wounds? with a lace table cloth? kill them. lieutenant, have a detachment take our wounded to our surgeons at camden crossing. use whatever horses and wagons you can find here. who carried this? take this one to camden, he's a spy. he will be hung. fire the house and barns. kill them. we're not going to hold him, we're going to hang him. oh, he's your son. you should have taught him about loyalty. would you like a lesson in the rules of war? perhaps your children would. major. sir. yes, sir. did you know that lord cornwallis' father was a tenant on the estate of my grandfather? yes, sir. which way? halt! enough of this. there are other ways to run down a fox. general, a message from the commander of the rebel militia. are you going to meet with him? colonel. ah, yes, that boy. ugly business, doing one's duty. take a detachment and go get our officers. but now we have a name for our colonel. francis marion. and with a name will come a family. they can't be far. check the outbuildings and the woods. perhaps. probably. difficult, sir. this is, as you pointed out, a civil war. i understand, sir. i believe they are almost ready. very well, get one of the others. i intend to. yes, major. the honor is found in the end, not the means. this will be forgotten. proceed. unless i'm dreaming, i think i see irregulars at their center.