did you bring me this? take this to colonel marion. earned. come. i have something i want to show you. gentlemen. i was sorry to hear about your son. i've had no sons to lose, nor daughters. i lose the sons of other men. life was easier when we only had ourselves to get killed. gentlemen, what do we see? francis, tell me about general cornwallis. that bad? proud, priggish and competent. a very bad combination in an adversary. for those of you who don't know, we intercepted a british dispatch this morning. general clinton has sailed from new york to relieve cornwallis. less than a week. sixteen ships and over nine thousand redcoats. and when the british ships arrive, the french ships will flee. and when the french ships flee, general rochambeau and the french troops will flee as well. if cornwallis receives news that clinton is coming, he'll simply hold tight and wait. he'll fight a purely defensive battle and he'll win that. and what is the second thing?