do you have trouble with your boobs in the uniform? hide them? on a date with pilots? i'm talking about how you make them show! the boobs or the pilots? ooo, she's thinking of her date! come on, you've been dating a pilot. we want to know what we can expect. morphine, give her morphine! i'll take that one. i was hoping to meet him. i just want to tell you one thing. if you're thinking this might be your last night on earth?. i'm prepared to make it meaningful. very meaningful. red. strange? but. they called you strange? because of red grange? i don't get it. was red grange strange? do you always stutter? nervous? don't be nervous. he was that good? morphine? we've been here a month and nobody's had worse than a sunburn. i wish she could forget him. barbara, here's yours. and evelyn, here you are. it's been a month and you haven't smiled. we just want you to know we love you. this came while you were gone.