i've been dating one pilot. and only for a few weeks. but i know he's different from all the others. but i do have a warning for you. there's one line you all need to know, and you're likely to hear it from any man in a uniform. it goes like this: "honey, baby. we never know what's gonna happen, and i may die tomorrow. so, let's live all we can tonight." stick with me, i'll find you somebody good. he's taken. but come on, i'll introduce you. you too, lieutenant. oh, this is betty. danny's not coming? i was hoping to meet him. at ease, betty! there shipping us out. hawaii. the germans are overrunning europe, and we're sent to paradise. how about you? have you heard anything? whatever you're trying to tell me isn't good, is it. or it wouldn't be so hard to say. it surprises me that i'm not the only one on this balcony who feels that way. we're all going away. but you're in the u.s. army, how could you -- you waited til tonight to tell me? i don't know if you can choose that, rafe. do one thing for me, before you go. thank you. ensign. thank you, but. i really want to be alone right now. i'm sorry. i've got a letter to write. what did you say? cold? no, i'm just thinking about a war. and maybe you should be too. i've got to write some requisitions. we're undersupplied with morphine. can i help you, sailor? our doctor's gone too. wait, let me look at that. you better come in here. how'd you get this? win? what's your name? i'm evelyn. and i'm just a nurse. but i'm not playing golf, and that cut needs sewing, or else it's gonna make a big lumpy scar. whatta ya say? how often you fight like this? what do you get for winning? tell me something, dorie. a man as big as you -- and smart too, you knew where to come when your ship couldn't help -- do you still have to fight with your fists to get respect? you take care, dorie. rafe. were. isn't that what you mean? were. because he's dead, isn't he? and that's why you've come. he told me about you. that he had no other friend like you. you were more like brothers. he said you're the only one he ever saw who was better in the air than him. we got some soldiers in traction from a jeep accident, but it's quiet. except for the occasional fighter plane buzzing us. i was just thinking that war is a series of goodbyes. do you think that's why we're meeting. to help us say goodbye to rafe? he told me he didn't want to leave me with regret. now that's all i have. well. sure. so beautiful! i didn't realize until tonight that i've stopped wanting to live. why were you sitting here, instead of. how did you?. i'm just. so amazed, so glad to know that you're okay. you are okay, aren't you? it's been. so different, being so sure you were dead. it's not your fault, rafe. the letter i wrote you, they -- it's not that i didn't mean everything i wrote. it's just that -- i thought you were dead. and now -- rafe -- oh my god. everybody to the hospital! get everything out! bandages, sutures -- oh god, the men in traction. come with me! cut them down, and take cover!! hurry! put criticals in ward one, stables in two! barbara! fill every syringe you can find with stimulant and antibiotic -- on the third tee. take a grease pencil and mark an m on the forehead of everyone you stick. don't look for a vein, just poke. use lipstick. use ammo belts for tourniquets, use your own nylons if you have to! barbara! grab anything that will hold a pint of blood and sterilize it. critical -- front ward!. give him morphine, he can't wait. take him outside and cover him; he's dead. she's gone too, take her -- go to the base hardware store and get some of those canister spray things they use for killing bugs. no, just the sprayers. we'll fill them with tannic acid, it'll sterilize them and cool the burns! go! we're gonna need every bed. if they can breathe, make 'em get up and move someplace else! there's nothing you can do here, they'll die or they won't, we just -- there was a sailor, a black man on the west virginia, named dorie miller. i'd like to know if he's alive. rafe -- rafe. no. you forgive me. that's what i have to tell you, rafe. it wasn't a choice. it -- they were bringing back a ship full of wounded and needed extra nurses along. i wrote colonel doolittle, and told him i needed to see you before you go. it was. i couldn't have you go away, wherever it is. to war. without knowing something. you think i made a choice, of danny over you. i didn't. i didn't have a choice. i'm pregnant. i wasn't sure, until the day you turned up alive. i never had a chance to tell him. now i can't have him thinking about this when he needs to be thinking about his mission, and how to come back from it. i want you thinking about that too. just come back. rafe, i see it in your face. you're thinking you don't have anything to live for. don't you dare think that way. i'll never write a letter, or look at a sunset, without thinking of you. i'll love you my whole life. and i want you to live.