look at the ships -- all grouped. perfect targets! or perhaps they think no one is capable. look at this. pearl harbor's depth of only forty feet makes them feel safe. a torpedo dropped from an airplane plunges to one hundred feet before it can level off. that is a conventional torpedo. but we have been experimenting. wooden fins. we are testing them tomorrow. we have chosen this place because its depth is exactly the same as pearl harbor's. i have arranged a live fire drill -- with your permission. of course against a ship the explosion will not be dissipated, and will have more force. if we achieve surprise, they will offer little resistance. brilliant, admiral. we have a fighter screen up, in case we are attacked, admiral. second attack wave is in the air. we have achieved complete surprise! the first wave is returning, the second is attacking now, and we have lost only a few planes. we can launch a third wave, admiral. if we launch the third wave and annihilate their fuel depots, we destroy their ability to operate in the pacific for at least a year!