we've increased supply shipments to them, mr. president, and we're losing merchant vessels every day. he's right, mr. president. the army has long range bombers, but no place to launch them from. midway's too far, china is overrun by japanese forces, and russia refuses to go to war with japan and won't allow us to launch a raid from there. we've done studies. we're confident we would turn them back eventually. after they'd gotten as far as chicago. we have bombed tokyo, mr. president. radio tokyo interrupted it's own broadcast to make the announcement. there've been some complications, sir. the chinese didn't receive our request for homing beacons until is was too late to get them set. and the planes had to take off so early they may lack fuel to make the mainland anyway. the chinese are sending out search parties to try to find the crews before the jap patrols do, if any of the planes make it.