if knowledge of opponents and careful calculation of danger is taken as weakness then i have misunderstood what it means to be japanese. the council knows i have opposed fighting the americans. no matter how great our resolve, they have resources beyond ours. if we must go to war, there is only one way -- deal them a blow from which it will take them years to recover. in that time we can conquer all of the pacific, and they will have no choice but to ask for peace. the americans themselves have made it possible. we will annihilate them in a single attack -- at pearl harbor. sitting ducks. they think no one would be stupid enough to attack them at pearl harbor. uncharged torpedoes have different balance. everything real except the fact that no one is shooting back at us. set up teams of radio operators to send out messages the americans will intercept, concerning every potential american target in the pacific. include hawaii -- the clutter will be more confusing that way. a brilliant man would find a way not to fight a war. the submarines will be reaching the harbor soon. i hope they don't set off the alarm too soon. we have achieved surprise, but their carriers are not in port. i don't like this. we must go ahead. this is our moment. the second wave has not returned. and we have no idea where their carriers are. what is the damage report? the more we attack, the harder it is to find targets. and we no longer have surprise. and if we fail, and lose our carriers, we destroy our ability to fight them at all. as soon as the second wave returns, we will withdraw.