i'll ask him in. excuse me! i don't know how many times we've passed each other on the stairs? but tonight i'm determined at least to say hello to you! so hello! i'm helen stephens. i'm having a party - and the other tenants are there. and a few friends. we'd like you to join us. pardon? hallo, mark. please come in. you'll meet the others who live here, and. oh. well, i hope to keep it going for hours yet. so when you've finished why not look in? mark? i hope i'm not disturbing you? i knew you wouldn't come down. so i've brought you this. i mustn't keep you from your work thank you, mark. i'd adore some water. a hostess can't drink water at her own party, it looks like a hint to the guests. yes, mark. very much. if you can spare it? thank you, mark. this is a pleasant room. and you've another inside? how long have you lived here? do you mean i've at last found out who our landlord is? your father? you? but you walk about as if you haven't paid the rent. i meant. the rent's very reasonable, but don't say anything to the others or you'll have no peace. mark, what do you do? on the photographic side, i'll bet. how exciting. to do with photography? no thank you. to do with photography? when i came in were you looking at some films? of yours? i'd like to see them. know i'm being rude. but i really would like to see them. . it would be a birthday present. from you to me. yes, mark. but i suppose you're too busy? thank you. this is so. well - so many things. but above all - it's so. completely unexpected! is all of it yours? i mean. is it designed by you? furnished by you? tell me about this room. what was he? then this equipment was his? but it seems to be so. technical. if this is where you work, i can't wait to see what you work at. well. what were you looking at when i interrupted you? it's the first i've ever asked for. mark, what a beautiful child. who is he? of course it is! then who took this film? what a wonderful idea. you'll be able to show it to your own chi. you must have had a bad dream. but what was that light? . the camera, i suppose? whatever are you after? naughty boy i hope you were spanked! but, mark. what a strange thing for your father to photograph. no. no. i hate people who chatter in films - but there's so much i want to ask. again? mark, this isn't some kind of jo. mark, whatever is that? what are you. no, mark! no! help me to understand this. this nightmare. all right. now look. mark - what was all that about? that was a lizard, wasn't it? or a. well how did it get there?. how did it get there mark?. was it a pet? won't you try to explain? i like to understand what i'm shown! what was your father trying to do?. photographing you at nigh. mark. what is this? he. photographed. that? mark, who is that? suc-? is that your father? what is he doing? what was it? switch it off! switch it off, mark! so he was a scientist? what kind of scientist, mark? what was he trying to do to you? mark!. what was he trying to do to you? and those lights in your eyes?. and that - thing? fear? a scientist drops a lizard onto a child's bed - and good comes of it? if only about lizards! mark - it sounds to me as if your father was. he sounds completely. why do you still live in his house. and watch his films? a photographer? it's no wonder, is it? but you still haven't shown me anything you've photographed! will you? i'm coming. i wish you'd join us. i hope that you. have a sweet tooth! thank you. for my present. what else can i read you? certain. is that your last tonight? your last but one? toss me double or nothing? bad luck, darling. the ceiling! yes. yes, darling. he has a quality. and i think he could help me. yes. yes? mummy, what's worrying you? what else? don't you like mark? you don't like him! now why not? he's shy! now darling. may i? thank you. remember that you lost the toss. yes, darling? done! helen. mother heard you come in - so i guessed you wouldn't be in bed . are you sure this is conven. hallo, mark. i hope you don't mind - is it a tape-recorder? i'm sure i'm being a nuisance. but, mark, i very much want to. mark! that's very sweet of you - but really. thank you. it's beautiful. more?. no, thank you, mark. and i really appreciate this. i'm going to put it on now. there?. or there?. i think so too!. i am keeping you. mark, i'm here for some advice. i work in a public library - in the children's section. i'm telling you that to postpone admitting what always embarrasses me. in my spare time. i write. i write stories for children. but so did grimm. hans andersen. lewis carroll. some short stories. i learned today. that my first book. has been accepted! . for publication in the spring. a magic camera - and what it photographs. i'll tell you one day - i promise. i'll tell you that too - but, mark. this is the problem. the children who read the book will want to see the pictures the camera takes - but the publishers say they're impossible to photograph, and suggest drawings. but i don't agree. was hoping you'd say that! there must be photographs - however difficult to take - and i was wondering, mark - if you'd. discuss it with me. mark - i can't ask you to do that. i mean. the publisher's mightn't agree. yes but. the money. i didn't mean to offend you. mark - i must go. i just wanted to know. if you'd talk it over with me. that's up to you. thank you. when? what's the matter? are you going away? oh. well you suggest when. yes. i'll understand if you're not. thank you for listening. and for my present. good night, mark. she was appearing in arthur baden's new film the walls are closing in, starring diane ashley. a spokesman at the studio said that her performance in the film showed such promise, that her role was to have been built up. all work at the studio ceased today as a tribute to her memory! yes, darling. it is reliably. i'll ask him tonight. if he's free. i've no idea - and i don't suppose he has. i'll ask him. i'll bring him in and introduce you if. now how can you? how did you know where he was standing? hallo. yes. i'd like you to come in for a moment - and meet my mother. darling, this is mark. mark, my mother. thank you, mark - you deserve a drink for that! what would you like? darling, i've left your supper in the. at brookwood. darling, may i tell you about your supper? darling, we forgot to toss. supper's laid out in the kitchen. we'll be early! good night, darling. mark. i want to ask you something rather personal. how long is it since you've gone out without that? your camera. exactly. i've never seen you without it. but are you going to need it tonight? well are you? and if so. shall i bring some work with me too? good - then give it to me! it'll be quite safe - i'll put it away for you. then take it upstairs - if you can't trust me with it. then look. let's put it in here. come in - and see for yourself. we'll put it in here - and lock it. was it, mark?. i am being tactless, aren't i? . it's just that. i thought it was growing into an extra limb, and - but you bring it with you if you want to. thank you. thank you. yes? shall i tell you what i feel? famished! is it? no - it sounds fun. i adore new restaurants. where is this restaurant? come on then. i like this place! and this dinner! thank you, mark. i'm ready to talk about you. it won't take a second - and it's best to have it said. carrying a camera is only one of your habits, isn't it, mark? when you stared at that couple, you were like the little boy on that film you showed me. looking over the wall at something he shouldn't see. but mark - you're strong enough now to lift that child off the wall. aren't you? aren't you? will you, mark?. will you really? lecture finished. yes, mark. in case, one day, a child comes in and asks for it! i'm not popular with my customers! they ask me for horror comics - and i take their sticky hands and drag them to where there are books! and do you know, mark, waiting for them to come in next time and ask for books. is as exciting. as a horror comic. people. it's owned by a little boy who is terrified of grown-ups. but when he looks in his magic camera he sees grown-ups as they were when they were children. and he isn't frightened any longer. and one day he gives his camera away to a little boy who is even more frightened of grown-ups than he was - and do you know what he finds? that when he looks at grown- ups without his camera he can still see them as they were when they were children! and that means that he's grown up himself. you did! i looked out of my window - and saw you going off to work carrying that camera like a little boy with a satchel. and an idea came. so thank you. now what do i do about the photographs? what have you photographed, mark? very well! let's try! yes, mark. thank you. mother must have gone to bed. mark, it was a wonderful evening. and you made it wonderful. without your camera. i'll get it for you. wonder how this sees grown-ups? . me, for instance. now that i am one. mark. why not? yes? i don't understand. he'll wake mother! thank you, again, for my evening. will you go to bed now - and not stop up watching those films? good night, mark. darling. darling. hallo, tony. to leave something for mark. tony. photographing mother? you must be mistaken! mark? mark? no answer. she looks thoughtfully at the envelope in her hand - then goes in to the dark-room. not. not. . till i know. that film. that film. is . just a film. isn't it? horrible . horrible. but. just a film. isn't it? she's right. your mother. must tell someone everything. sorry. has to be you! this was his laboratory. and you know some of what he did. but not all. turn it off! look at me, mark! look at me! what did you do. to those girls? what did you do, mark? if you want to torment me. for the rest of my life. then make me imagine! what did you do . to those girls? show me, mark. show me - or i'll remain frightened. for the rest of my life. show me! frightened . for you. mark! mark! give yourself up! what are you. give yourself up. mark! no - no!