but is it commercial? are those budgets ready? well bring 'em in. there's an error! the total should be a hundred and fifty thousand pounds fourteen shillings and sixpence - not thirteen and ninepence. that could mean the difference between profit and loss on a first feature! any units working late tonight? that animal needs a stick of dynamite! remind me to pay them a visit tonight. now, miss simpson. take a memo to all department heads. in light of the new economy drive. smoking on duty! come with me! thank you, chief inspector. if you knew what even a single day's delay could cost. if i may have your attention, please. the police wish to interview each of you individually. after which you will be at liberty to leave. there will, of course, be no shooting today. but work will be resumed, as usual, tomorrow. with, i hope, all of you present. i look to you to give the police your fullest cooperation. have you any suspicions, chief inspector? do you object. chief inspector? come now, arthur, if that's what the inspector wants.