you're late! hold on, mark. mark. i've a question for you. which magazines sell the most copies? exactly!. and it's just the same with the work you do for me. look busy. certainly, sir. certainly, sir - anything else? what sort of views, sir? this sort, sir? five shillings, sir. to you - five pounds, sir. tell you what, sir. four pounds ten - and i'll throw in the times and telegraph. how's that? let me wrap it for you, sir. shall i put you on our mailing list? by all means, sir. he won't be doing the crossword tonight! those pictures he chose. were all yours! this is yours! and this is yours too. and that's what i want to talk to you about. it's a clever picture - because you're a clever lad. but, mark. it's all face. i don't want to hurt your feelings, son - but if people want the mona lisa they go to the national gallery. well, wherever they go, they don't come here. so no more of this fancy stuff. now get upstairs - the girls are waiting. and so is a bonus if you give me what i want. what do you do with all your money? on the house. be here at six o'clock. milly'll be waiting. on the dot, mark, or she'll go. you'd better be! don't make a habit of this! milly's upstairs. i've got to go out. if you finish before i'm back, lock up and put this through the letter-box. what's the matter? haven't you ever seen a key before? the till will be empty - if that's what you're smiling about. you know what i want now! no fancy stuff. went up to look around - found her.