mark? were you spotted? is it tonight? mark. you're sure we won't be caught? i will, i promise. of course not. thank you. mark. i want to be quite clear about this. tonight, when the studio's empty. i'm to come back-and you're going to give me a film test. right? you'll then print the film - so i can show it to my agent and anyone else who matters - right? mark. i've been offered film tests before. but i haven't liked the terms. then why are you doing this? risking your job and. there's someone coming. yes. i was learning my lines. later. perhaps. mark. you didn't mind me asking? no. you want to direct. more badly than anything don't you? don't you, mark? what is impossible? what? very much, especially if there's a part for me. no part for me then. is this a new script? mark! what's this story called? who? who is he, mark? no one could. they'd be caught! besides, how would you frighten anyone to death? well, what? you'd better not tell me! i'll be scared to death tonight as it is! back on the set - shall i go first? what are you doing? see you tonight! hallo, diane. no, thanks. i've a date. at the local. mark? mark? mark? mark! listen. we must. where are you? you frightened me! now listen. they're working late on the lot. we must call it off. someone's bound to see us. you've what?. then they'll know someone's here. they'll wait outside. what's the difference? we'll be caught. matter! who don jarvis!? oh! he'd say: sign on the dotted line, kiddies! you can use my pen, but bring your own ink! mark. if you're sure it's worth it? come on! get hot! i do feel alone in front of it. i suppose stars never do? then i'm great, boy! what is it you want me to act? being frightened to death? yes - and i'll have a go! i've been wondering all the afternoon how you'd do it! i'll bet you've thought of a wonderful twist! what are you doing? why not pull the studio down while you're about it? they can only hang you once. if only don jarvis could see me now! if only i could see don jarvis now! i warn you, mark - i'm hysterical. i'd rather act dying of laughter, if it's all the same to you. what are you doing? oh well! i've stood alone in front of a studio camera! that's more than most have. no. i can see you, mark. perfectly! yes, sir! i'll bet i'm the best camerawoman in the business! . . . i've lost you! welcome, stranger! what are you doing? mark, you're brilliant. lost you again! yes, sir, mr. director, sir. am i supposed to imagine someone is going to put me in there? mark - i hope i won't let you down. i know you're trying to create atmosphere for me - but. i just don't feel frightened! wouldn't it be better if i just did my number? oh all right! i could do anything - i feel so relaxed - and that's due to you. you're so at home with that camera you make me feel at home too. you have it in you, boy! a madman? but how would he frighten me to? i can't imagine what you've thought of! that? yes. that would be frightening! well? what is it? that? mark. take it. away! mark - you!