hello, lilla! quite a bit more rain than usual this year. i hope it doesn't spoil the rhubarb. what's the matter, lilla? somebody jump on your grave? what's it going to be, elizabeth? seventyfive? eighty? i've been trying to drag it out of her for years. you know, dreams are fascinating business. 'specially where you see the future. well, i like to speculate. this book i'm reading right now, a woman in colorado says she lived in ireland a hundred and fifty years ago. her name was bridey murphy- and she gives names and dates and where she lived. she was hypnotized. big bestseller. it's gonna rain again. every time i wash the car, it rains. it's your grandma's strudel that's kept this family together. i'd take better care of my teeth. it's her 18th birthday, i want to show her off. let's go. stag movies. smokers. i may be an old fool, but i think we can help you. the last one was six hundred years ago. it's about time for another one. let me take your jacket, lilla. i've got, to get my robe. it wouldn't be a lodge without hats. don't you worry. i'll be watching after you.