and we're here on the couch. we're here on the sofa bed. to record how much we love each other. sitting beside me is the cutest majorette in the history of the world. and she would like to say something. come on peggy. say what we rehearsed. but you love me don't you? and nothing will ever change that. oh, gotta go. here's a little makeout music. goddamnit, i just can't hit those high notes anymore. did i hear 70 dollars? what do you need 50 dollars for? how's your mom? frank, watch the clock. come off it, peggy. and what do you mean your house? this is my house. i paid for it, i'm still paying for it. i mailed it to you on wednesday. jesus, peggy. take it easy. i'm not used to that stuff. you always did the bills. blame the damn post office. you got a tab? you don't want them? they're going to make a big comeback any minute. mark my words, these lamps are going to. i'll think of a way to sell, them. one day. i'm not going. be right there. i'll go through the rest of this stuff next weekend. i never thought it would go this far. thanks. next week you'll be selling sanyo remote control vcrs for three hundred and ninetynine dollars? oh no! crazy charlie. you'll give away mitsubishi giant screen tvs for twelve hundred and ninetyfive dollars! oh no! i'll go broke! crazy charlie. you won't be undersold on stereos, videos, microwaves or blenders! crazy charlie, crazy charlie, i'm not breaking cookies, i'm smashing prices. crazy charlie, he insane. i vant to suck your blood. i also vant to suck your twinkie. no. you are the undead. you will live forever if you give me your twinkie. come on, let's have it. you hate them anyway. hey! i just made a deposit in your blood bank. now i want to make a withdrawal. i'm changing banks! how do you feel? come on. get in. i can take care of that. hey, i can take a hint. you look great today. i call this the staccato. not that i'm glad you were sick, but i had a chance to do some thinking last night. you know. about what we said on tuesday. it makes a lot of sense. how could you forget? we talk about seeing other people and you forget? i can understand that. but please don't start crying again. it's not going to be forever. i figure three years is long enough. i can see it the music pans out. and right after graduation we should start seeing other people. kind of comparison shop before we settle down and get married. know what i mean? well, we got the prom coming up, all these parties. we shouldn't upset our parents? you're more shook up than you want to admit. you'll get used to it, we'll still see each other 2, 3 times a week. want me to drive you home later? would i?!! why i oughta. i've got to string him along for a while. it's for his own good. soon. i can't tall everybody everything all at once. i'll throw the book at you! he's a nice guy. you know he's writing a book? looking good out there. i noticed you were giving me the silent treatment at lunch. i guess i deserved it. i've been thinking about my three year plan and i think it's unworkable. i must have been delirious. in the abstract maybe. get a grip on yourself! but when i imagine you going out with other guys, i feel. ah. yeah. like that. hello, sir. how are things at the hat store? yes, sir. yes, sir. but that's what i like about her. she's not like all the other girls at school. yes, sir. trust is a twoway street. in the past two years i've been pleased to note that you and mrs. kelcher have, uh, fulfilled your sacred trust of being good parents to the, uh, woman i plan to take off your hands. what would that be, sir? of course. great, isn't it? hey! what's the fun of being a teenager if you can't dress weird? and we're going to have fun tonight, right? is this slow enough for you? i'm fine peggy sue. and how are you? are we talking on the phone? are we pen pals? it's great. i cleaned the car, do you like it? oh, i got tickets for fabian on your birthday, you like him, right? he's cool. eighteen is half of thirty six. it's "gentlemen start your engines", vroom, like i'm gassed up ready for the race. i've got the girl, i've got the car, i've got the talent, but i don't know. do i date, get married, join the army, cut a record, go to college? i got a million choices, but nobody teaches you how to choose. but it's different for a girl. you're lucky. you just have to wait for me. here comes the life of the party. have no fear. charlie's here. why pete's the best darn cook on the panhandle! ready. set. go - too bad. close to a record. pitching wins pennants. the tigers got four potential twenty game winners. don mossi, frank lary, jim sunning and paul foytack. one, two, three-. is he gonna help you with that physics stuff? hey! who needs physics when we've got chemistry? there isn't a girl in school that can hold a candle to you. yeah i know. but i don't have to flatter you. it just feels right. you're the perfect girl for me. as in is, was and always will be. i'm glad dancing was invented. you know the first dances were rituals. like fertility rites. your eyes look like silver pools of moonlight. and the tide rushes in. you know i do. i even wrote you into my will. what?! you mean sex?! intercourse? you want to have intercourse! last weekend you said. what time is it? but you're the one who wanted to wait till we got married. and you were right. we should wait. who? you mean my wang? listen, it's running real late. what is this? what the hell is going on? one week you say, "if you love me you won't", now you say "if you love me you will". excuse me. that's a guy's line! you're damn right! jesus! peggy! you sure know how to spoil a mood. save it. take the shostakovich home and listen to it. let it grow on you. everyone that's bought it has come back and said, "this is definitive shostakovich. thank you for encouraging me to investigate it." you'll like it. i kid you not. nothing. selling is selling. forget it. i've been thinking. girls must go through that stuff too. sometimes when i look at you i feel like an animal. maybe my dad's right. teenagers are nuts. yeah, i know. girls mature faster than guys. but last night, i was the one who put on the brakes. and you know why? because nothing else matters. that's the great thing about love. every time we argue, every time something goes wrong, and i know that i'm not perfect either, things just work out better in the end. cause you're my baby and i love you. don't be cruel to a heart that's true. i have to talk to you. let's go down to the basement. i want to know what's going on. dolores told me that you and that scuzzball michael fitzsimmons. then it's true, dammit! i had a miserable time tonight 'cause of you. when the monotones did "book of love chapter four you break up, won't you give it just one more chance" i'm thinking did we break up? 'cause if we did, i don't even know about it!. i thought we cleared all that up yesterday. did that maynard g. beatnik give you what you wanted? you're going to blow it, peggy sue. nobody treats charlie bodell like this. look, i've got the hair, got the eyes, got the teeth, i got the car. i'm the lead singer, i'm the man. i will be happy if i have you. i love you. what are you talking about? who's janet? what about everything i said to you this afternoon. but what has to be different? what! what about the group and my singing career? what about me? you don't know zip! you think i'm going to end up selling appliances like my father? chasing women around the store. i've got to give it a shot. why are you trying to kill the two things that mean the most to me? until yesterday you loved me and you loved us. ) what the hell has changed? for two years i've done nothing but love you. i'll show you, i'm going to be just like fabian! what're you doing here? rusty's dead. that's ajax sorry, the blue thunder's out of commission for a while. how'd you know about that? not terrific enough. what were you doing in that part of town? who were you with? hey. i guess there's a lot of things we don't know about each other. that's real big of you. you're kidding. you wrote a song? is it about a guilty girl and a trusting guy. she wants to hurt him, and he wonders why? fat chance. you know, lee wilkins came to hear me last night. he told me to forget it. you told me to forget it. my parents tell me to forget it. if you took the trouble to write it, then sure, i'll take a look at it. but i'm beginning to think that maybe there's more to life than music. i wonder if people would still like me if i stopped being mr. excitement? does this mean you like me again? that's all i wanted to hear. 'cause i'm never going to give up on us. it's easy to fall apart in a crisis. it's easy to be selfish and say goodbye and good luck. but this is more than love. this is a mental decision. just wait till tomorrow, when you see your birthday present. then you'll understand. walter, maybe you should be a dentist. hey, peggy. wait a minute. i cut shop and did some work on your song. you know, it's not half bad for your first try. of course, i changed all the "yeahs" to "oohs". listen to this. okay. listen, i cancelled the tickets for fabian. i thought it would be better for your birthday to eat at a nice restaurant, chez tres. i was trying to save you. they were going to vaporize you. you're going to listen to me. right here. now sit down. look. i wanna tell you. i forgive you for everything. i know what you've been going through. you're just scared. i was scared, too, but i'm not anymore. because i love you, damnit! i had a long talk with your father yesterday and we decided that the best thing for us to do is get married and settle down. right away. what? you're crazy! you're really out of your mind! oh, peggy. my poor peggy. it's all my fault. i'm so sorry. i won't bother you anymore. i promise. please stop crying. please. of course. it's almost your birthday. i wasn't sure when you were coming back, so i brought your present up here. it opens, too. look inside. i love you. i think we should get out of here. it's going to rain. what the hell is that? peggy! where're you going? come back! but i love you. i'll love you forever. come back to me. richard, do something! peggy! peggy sue, i love you, and i need you peggy sue. i thought you were. for a while. but happy. very happy, peggy sue. i wanted to apologize. i can't live without you. that's over. i got tired of translating everything. she thought the big hopper was a hamburger. everyone. maddie and arthur, carol and walter. richard norvick. and here's a book, by that guy from high school, michael fitzsimmons. he dedicated it to you. i'll just set it right here. oh, god, dion. i'll never give up. i loved you since the day i met you, and i haven't stopped. listen, i don't expect all the troubles between us can just vanish away. but i would do what i can. well, i'll let you get some rest. so long.