madeline hutton and arthur nagle were high school sweethearts. married right after graduation, they're still together. in this day and age, that's remarkable. maddy, arthur, how does it feel to have missed the sexual revolution? spiritual renewal. that's what reunions are all about. familiar faces, forgotten memories, ancient dance steps and music. the great time machine. carol pritchard heath and walter getz were high school steadies who went their separate ways. after twenty years and four divorces between them, they meet again walter a successful dentist, carol a mature career woman. carol, why did you really come back for this reunion? hello everyone. richard norvik? i'm dolores dodge with karp radio. could i have a minute of your time? well. did you study for the test? what a girl. what a twirl. you know, pegleggy, you're gonna get demoted to hall monitor - carol and i saw you with that creep, richard, today. god, peggy, you're so unformed you're practically fetal. you're just taking pity on him 'cause he has no friends. are you for real? hey terry, what is that? did peggy make it up? i've never seen that on bandstand. terry, slow down. terry! slow down. there's peggy with michael fitzsimmons. first a nerd and then a weirdo. what a bunch of nose pickers. i'll tell charlie. what's the matter, princess? lost your prince? oh! you did that on purpose! i hate you. go gargle with razor blades! take a long walk on a short pier.