peggy sue! i've already got some in. i was thinking of making a pie for dinner tonight. how would you like that? that's a day's work. but if that's what you want, maybe we can do it tomorrow for your birthday. you know, peggy sue, your mother said you had a dream that i died. i'm not afraid. i know exactly when i'm going to die. i'm not telling. if you believe it, darling, then i believe. being young can be just as confusing as being old. the things that happened to me fifty years ago are more on my mind than what happened yesterday. right now you're just browsing through time. choose the things you'll be proud of. the things that last. what's peggy sue going to do at your lodge meeting? he won't tell me, but i've got my suspicions. and i don't want any of that. don't keep her out late. have a good time.