you two look like that soap commercial. which one's the daughter and which one's the mother? i wish i had the nerve. and the figure. it must run in the family. peggy, would you find a table? we'll see you in a little while. what kind of question is that? it has nothing to do with the reunion. peggy was a mess right after they separated, but i think she's coming out of it. it seems to be pretty friendly now. michael fitzsimmons! is he here? yes, ma' am. i was there. she told the creep off right to his face. it's some stupid old movie thing they just started. therefore, the key to a successful children's party can be summed up in one word planning. with proper planning, a successful, inexpensive happy birthday party can be had by all. including the mother. can you believe i want to marry that dork. i was thinking of four ushers and four bridesmaids. i'm thinking of pink and green. look at dolores. what a tramp. maybe they'll be the next dion and the belmonts. come on, where's your enthusiasm? i don't know what you said to her, but i wish i'd said it. how come we're your best friends and we had to find out about you and michael fitzsimmons from dolores? that's disgusting! yeah. he's so cool and mysterious. peggy sue! but i always thought that you would marry charlie, carol would marry walter, and i would marry arthur. we'd all live on the same street and take our kids to the park together and have barbecues every sunday. it'll spoil everything if you and charlie break up. that michael doesn't look like the barbecue type. yeah. i've gotta go. arthur's picking me up soon. sometimes you're so immature.