girls? evelyn? who left this thing outside? what do you think? peggy sue, what do you think? young lady, you're drunk! i don't see the humor in this. go to your room immediately. you're grounded. this is not giving blood. this is drunk. evelyn, put her to bed. don't worry, it's just a seasonal slump. thank you. i accept your apology with the hope that what went on yesterday will never happen again. you're so young, this is not the time to start acquiring bad habits. if all the kids jumped off a bridge, would you do that too? well, at least you stopped calling me daddyo. hello, charlie. fine, thanks. come on in. i want to talk to you. you may have noticed that peggy sue's been acting a little strange lately. she seems confused, irresponsible, overemotional. my wife says that's the way girls act sometimes. charles, in spite of your adolescent infatuation with music, we've always regarded you a a fine young man. we've trusted you with our daughter. we think this party might cheer her up. just make sure you know what's expected of you. show her a good time, but for god's sake restrain yourself. damn that charlie i peggy, let me ask you something. you're not. expecting are you? thank god for that. yes but i was a boy. and i still had hell to pay. all right. but this better be good. do you know how ridiculous you sound? first of all, it's illegal for u.s. citizens to buy gold. and in the second place, the price of gold is regulated by the government. that's your problems the more women think, the more trouble they get into. i've heard just about enough of this lunacy! go to your room! evelyn, take her to her room! doing some shopping? for me? sweetheart, they're beautiful. but they must've been expensive. good, you got your money out of that greedy bank. it's hard to believe you're going to be eighteen. want an eskimo pie? or a creamsicle? i'd come home from the store and there's little you running up to me. i'd give you a dime and you'd promise never to grow up. this morning was good. i, that what all that nonsense was about this morning? you're worried about my business? that's very thoughtful, honey. it's just a slump. things will pick up. kennedy's a catholic. he'll never win. richard nixon's going to be president. nixon wears hats. i don't need your charity. i don't need your grandmother's jewelry or your parents money -how could you do that? i'm not shouting. have we ever starved? have we ever missed a mea1? i want everybody to hear because i don't have anything to be ashamed of. we'll make it, we'll be fine. this is your great invention? would you wear those things? that's all well and good, but we don't have the money to manufacture them. you mean to tell me that you invited this mr. fitzsimmons over to talk about investing his money in your cockamamie idea? peggy sue cooked the whole dinner. ah, ed, why don't you and i adjourn to the den for a while? it's the darndest thing. ed knew what they were immediately. as a matter of fact, he said he's got a product like that in development right now. didn't call, them pantyhose, though. what was it, evelyn? peggy sue, watch your mouth. look young lady, i grew up through the depression. i fought in the second world war. six days a week i get up and deal with the public, the bank and the bill collectors. and on the seventh day, when god rests, i don't have to listen to my daughter calling me a fool!