the nurse called and said you'd be coming home. how do you feel? why don't you go lie down for a while. of course, dear. you're home now. i put your laundry on your beds. don't forget to put it away. meatloaf. what is it? jack, take it easy. she gave blood at school today. maybe she's just a little lightheaded. my little baby. don't try to grow up so fast. a new car. we can't afford a new car. you have four seasons, you have four slumps. what happened to your hair? you have such a pretty face. why are you always trying to cover it up? you're looking pretty chipper this morning. when did you start drinking coffee? how does diane like her braces? what's the matter? did you two have a fight?. what about? this necklace is sapphire, it was my grandmother's. it was nobody. ah. he's a poll, taker. i'm thinking of voting democrat this year. but don't mention it to your father. how was school today? would you get that, dear? peggy! what's the matter? who is it? peggy sue! what is it? what happened to you? well, she is getting on, but she's fine. i told her you weren't feeling well yesterday. she called to find out how you are. yes, he's fine, too. you saw them at easter. that's a good girl. i hate to see you so upset. tell me, sweetheart. are you having problems with charlie? you mentioned something this morning. is charlie pressuring you to do things you don't think you should be doing? peggy, do you know what a penis is? stay away from it. charlie's downstairs. why aren't you ready? maddy's party. you accepted an invitation, maddy's one of your best friends, and i baked the rice krispie squares. enjoy yourself! this is the best time of your life. and the sooner you learn to handle charlie the better. get dressed. where have you been? i'm not the maid! please don't shout. does everybody have to hear? jack, i was just trying to help. would they go over my girdle or under? isn't that awfully forward? you know, dear, i think the pantyhose is a wonderful idea, but the next time you come up with something, please don't stay out all night. just tell us. we'll believe you. these roses are beautiful. and so romantic'. who is this michael? is he a friend of charlie's? what does charlie think about that? what? when did it happen? your dad and i always expected you two to get married. all the college girls i knew were so well, dressed. i was worried that i wouldn't fit in. i didn't have the right clothes. i was so silly. but, i don't have many regrets, and besides, r don't have time to worry about the past. but charlie. i hope you know what you're doing. sheerotards. catchy name, isn't it? like leotards. mr. fitzsimmons is a very prominent man. you have a point, dear.